I am calling you to speak to the dead bones
and expect them to come to life.
It is time that the dead bones begin to put
on flesh and arise.
I will breath the life of My Spirit into all that
is dead in your life and I will give you new life.
I would have you to flow in the power of My
Spirit and walk in newness.
Arise and begin to walk for I am raising up an army
that is not full of dead bones but an army with My
life flowing through its very being.
I would have you flowing in the power of My Spirit.
I would have the gifts of the Spirit flowing in your life.
I am calling you to stir up the gift that is in you and
it is time for you to begin to exercise those gifts.
It is time for you to prophecy what the Lord is giving
you, unto My people and speak My Words unto My
church so that she begins to arise in all her power and
her glory.
How can My church arise when the gifts of My Spirit
are not in operation in the church as they need to be.
The gift of prophesy will edify exhort and comfort.
My children need to be edified.
My children need to be exhorted.
My children need to be comforted.
You have these gifts and they need to be in operation.
I have called some of you to speak the Word of the Lord
and you need to begin to exercise flowing in the Word
of Prophecy regularly.
Begin to stir up the gift and as you begin to stir up the gift
then that gift shall begin to flow like a river.
You need to be stirring up the gift that is in you whether it
be the word of prophecy or any other gift.
Dormant gifts are like gifts that are sitting on a shelf and My
gifts are sitting on the shelf of your heart.
It is time to take them off and dust them off and begin to
unwrap the gifts that I have given you and then use them
to full capacity to reach the world for Christ.
Whatever I have called you to do, do it.
Prophecy unto the dead bones in your life and the lives
others and they will put on flesh and come to life.
I will breath on you with the wind of My Spirit and it
will bring new life to you.
I will pour life into your desert and you shall move with new
grace and power.
Nothing can stop you as you allow yourself to be caugh
in the wind of My Holy Spirit and allow Me to flow through
you. How I would flow through you if you would but ask
Me to use you.
All might and all power is mine.
Victory comes from My hand.
Strength to fight the battle comes from Me.
I will empower you and enable you to move with divine
unction and divine ability as you put your trust in Me.
Draw from My strength for My strength is made perfect in
your weakness.
You are weak but I am strong.
I am the strength of your life.
I will empower you for each new day with My grace to
live and complete your journey.
It is almost over My beloved.
You are running the last mile and the last mile is always
the hardest beloved.
I know beloved because I ran the race while on this earth
and I am running it with you now empowering, strengthening
and pouring in My fresh oil and wine into you.
My grace is all sufficient for My strength is made perfect in
your weakness.
Allow me to be all that you need.
Again I say unto you stir up the gift that is in you.
Desire to prophesy.
Declare the Word of the Lord.
I will move and pour My life through you.
You are mine.
Trust Me and I will use you.
Put your trust in Me.
I am the Lord.