Arise Those That Sleep!
Arise those that sleep and the Lord will give you light for you have
slumbered long enough and the Lord is saying arise and I will give
you light. It is time now says the Lord that my people arise and
do what I would have them to do. I say unto you my people arise
and do what I have called you to do. Go into your prayer closets
and pray, it is time now and it is time that you do it now for I am
saying unto you that unless you do it today, now is the day of your
salvation, there shall not be a tomorrow. Unless there is repentance
on a large scale you shall perish, for I am angry says the Lord at the
complacency of my church and want to see that she will rise up and
do and be what I would have her to be. Arise, Arise and I will give
you light.
Do not take your freedoms for granted but arise and go into your
prayer closets and pray for I love you with an everlasting love and
I would not have you to be destroyed by the enemy. My love for
all mankind is so great that you cannot fully understand my love.
Arise America, Arise Canada, Arise you nations of the earth and arise
while you have the time.
You are complacent. Put aside your complacency and arise while
there is time. I am merciful and there is yet time for you to arise.
This Word came after reading an article on Lit4Ever Forum.
The Lord so stirred my heart that He then gave me this word.