My precious one, know that I love you.
You are mine, My very own possession.
I love you with a love beyond your human understanding.
I see you.
I see your need and you are right within My will for your life.
Look not at what others are doing or where they are at in
their walk with Me.
Look to Me.
Looking at others will bring discouragement and struggling as
you are called to be like Me, Jesus, the author and the finisher
of your faith.
I have called you beloved one to walk as I did on this earth.
Speak as I speak and be led as I was led.
I will lead you in My perfect love and perfect way for your life.
Again, I say "others shall disappoint you".
Look at Me.
Hear Me.
Value Me and read and understand My Word.
The Word that I give you will always be within your understanding
and yet it will make you seek Me to come up higher.
I am to be your treasured possession.
Knowing Me will satisfy beyond all else that you could ever hope for
and will satisfy beyond your deepest yearnings.
I am Jesus and I alone can satisfy your heart.
Spend time with Me and loneliness will flee.
Spend time with Me and you will receive insight from My Word.
Draw from My well and you shall never feel dry or thirst again.
Look not at the others who walk about professing a great many things
but inwardly they are not all what they appear.
Look only unto Me to satisfy and teach you.
I am the Truth and the Life.
My teachings from My Word will give you insight into My character.
Draw from My Word.
Learn of My character.
Learn of Me for I am meek and lowly in heart
and you shall find rest in Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Surrender all again and leave it at the foot of the cross.
I died there that you would find an abundant life.
Seek Me and you will find that healing in your life that you so
desperately need.
I am the living well.
Drink and drink again.
When you thirst, drink again.
Love the well of living water and you shall thirst no more.