The Word of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous
can run into it and be safe.
Come my children come and draw from My Word.
It is a strong and safe place to dwell in this hour.
Dwell in the Word of the Lord. The righteous can run
into My Word and be safe.
It is a place of richness to dwell in and is full of milk and
My Word is sweet.
Taste My Word and see that it is good.
It is good and will not fail you.
It is the sustainer of your life and as you reach out to Me
I shall sustain you even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Choose to come to me for I am drawing you into living water.
My Word is alive and as the babe leaped in Elizabeth's womb
so shall my Word leap in your hearts.
My Word is alive. It is so alive that it will do what I would
have it to do in you and in others.
Allow my Word to live in your hearts by faith.
Faith in My Word will take you to heaven.
Faith in My Word shall keep you now.
Make choices that are according to my Word.
Wisdom in my Word shall keep you and as you seek wisdom
you shall be blessed by Me, says the Lord.
Seek the wisdom and consul of my Word for in it are the
answers for your life.
I am the Word of God and I shall live forevermore.
I am the bright and morning star.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
the first and the last and the one that is to come.
Come unto Me, the living Word.
Spend time with Me.
I Jesus am the living Word.
As you abide in Me, you shall find joy and you shall find
There is safety in Me.
I shall honor you as you honor Me, in my Word.
Ask Me for a new love for My Word.
It is a tasty morsel for those that are hungry.
Come and taste the bread of life and you shall hunger
no more.
Come and see that the Lord is good and there is no want
to those that put their trust in Me.
I am a place of quiet rest where you can place your
confidence in this hour of deception.
I am the Lord that will give you answers and the Lord that
shall heal thy diseases.
I will heal your sicknesses.
Come unto me and walk into the pool of living water.
It never runs dry and you can drink from the well of living
It is so good that it will quench your thirst and you will not
thirst again.
Trust in the living bread and you shall be as one that is full.
You will be full in your heart and in your spirit.
Come unto me, the living bread and be satisfied.
Won't you come unto Me, for I am the living bread
and the only one that satisfies.
Come and thirst no more.