Isaiah 11:2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon
him, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit
of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of
the Fear of the Lord.
Beloved my spirit rested upon Jesus.
My spirit rests upon you.
You are not always aware of my power.
I will give you my wisdom if you ask for it.
Fear of Me is the beginning of wisdom.
I love it when you come to me and ask.
Resist the temptation to do it on your own.
The wise ask for my help.
As you move in the little things,
I will trust you with more.
Bear fruit, thirty, sixty, one hundred fold.
Learn to be happy where I have called you.
Faithfulness will be rewarded.
Solomon asked for wisdom and received it.
Ask me for understanding and I will give
you what you ask.
Let it be for my glory.
Be yourself.
I will use you.
Pray for the Spirit of Counsel and Might.
The Spirit of God is inside of you.
Expect and I will manifest myself through you.
There is treasure inside you.
My treasures are in earthen vessels.
You are my vessel.
Allow me to fill you.