
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Treasures in Heaven

Come closer to Me. Draw closer to Me and spend time in My presence.
As you draw closer to Me you will see with a different perspective.
You will see with heavenly eyes the things of My Spirit.
I would have you come to Me and fellowship with Me, says the Lord.

Draw nigh to Me and I will draw nigh to you.
Seek fellowship with Me.
Fellowship with Me is sweet to the taste and will leave no bad taste.
The pleasures of this world will yield no satisfaction.
They will only dishearten you.

Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
You cannot be a friend of the world and a friend of God.
The things of the world and the work of My Spirit are at opposite
ends of the spectrum.

Know that friendship with the world and the love of the world will not yield a harvest.
You are in this world but not of it.
You are mine and belong to Me and must needs be in this world but not behave
like one that is of it.

Take heed for the time is short beloved and I would not have you to have one foot
in the world and one in the body of Christ.
You must step out of the world and put on Christ.
Put on Christ.
Put off sin.

Put on the covering of the Spirit.
Put off the works of the flesh.
Put on love, joy and peace.
Put off all that is not of Me.

I am challenging you to come higher and walk in victory. My victory that overcame the world.
My victory overcomes the world. It satisfies. It will delight your heart.
Know that there is no satisfaction in anything that is of the world.
Your happiness needs to be the happiness of the Word of God.
All other temporary joys of the world are coming to a close but joy that comes from
My Spirit lasts.
The Word of God lasts forever.

Delight in My Word.
Read My Word.
Ponder My Word.
Taste My Word.
Pray My Word.
Love My Word.
Declare My Word.
Decree My Word.
Delight in My Word.
Send My Word.
Teach My Word.

Deliver My Word to the needy and unsaved.
Deliver it to where I send it.
You are the one to deliver My Word.
Take heed. You are the one who is called to take My Word and go forth with it.

There are those that are paying heavily and a great cost in preaching My Word.
There are others that can go and are called and yet they sit and wait.
Take heed to My Word.
Meditate on it and it shall work in your heart.

You shall hear the call through My Word.
The voice of the Spirit will speak to you as you drink from My Word.
Listen to Me. Hear Me. I am speaking. I am calling. I am reaching out to you. Hear Me.
Hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches.
Hear what the Spirit is saying unto the people of God.

You are able bodied and many are called but few are chosen.
I have chosen you.
Go and tell them that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Go and speak to the lost and share My Word.

You have received so much.
Many have so little.
Take the much that I have given you and use it for the glory of My Kingdom.
If you cannot go and are in position to send one than send one in My name.
You who have been given much. Much is expected of you.

Take heed for you have been given much wealth in this world.
Use it for the glory of God.
Take it and multiply it for the Kingdom of God.
Take what I have given you and use it for the Kingdom of God

Time is short. The time is here to hear what the Spirit is saying to you and use
what you have been given to further the Kingdom of God.
You are not building your Kingdom but Mine.
Treasures are to be stored up in heaven and not on this earth where thieves
break in and destroy.

Store up treasures in heaven where nothing can touch them.
Lasting are the rewards of those that store up treasure in heaven.
Harvest time is here.
Workers are few.
Time is short and the day is coming when no man can work.

Take heed. Take heed. Take heed.
Listen to Me my Beloved ones and listen well for the day is coming when you will
have liked to have sown into the Kingdom in a greater way. Use what I have given
you to sow into the harvest field.

Sow into the fields for they are white to harvest.
There are wars and rumors or wars. These are the beginning of the birth pangs.
Hear the labor pains for they are being heard throughout the earth.
Hear the groans as they are beginning to take place throughout the earth.

Hear the mountains tremble and the earth quake and the roar of the lion. Hear
My roar as I roar throughout the earth and make myself known. For I am the Lord and
I am making myself known.
I am establishing My Kingdom in My people and working in you a heavenly and lasting work.

Much pain is bringing forth much fruit. Yield to Me in your pain and in your sorrow and in
your trials and in your testings for they are being allowed for you to be more Christlike.
I am not allowing these testings to be a mean Father but am allowing them so that a peaceable
fruit of righteousness might come forth in you.

I long to see fruit in My children.
Many have fruit but is is dried and needs to have the fresh water of the Word moisten it and
bring it to life once again.
Allow My Word to bring your fruit to life again because your works are withering and I am looking
for your first works that were filled with the love and joy of the Lord.

I am looking to be your first love and I am saying I want you to love Me more than all else.
More than pleasure, more than fame, more than fortune. More than family. More than anything
you hold dear. I am looking for you to love Me above all others.

I am looking for you to love Me even unto death.
In choosing Me first you shall live.
Choose Me and you shall live.
I am calling all of mine to a deeper level of commitment.
A deeper level of hearing from Me.
A deeper level of knowing Me.
A deeper level of hearing My Word speak to your heart.
A deeper level of being used by Me.
A deeper level of blessing to be used for My Kingdom.

Plainly beloved, I am calling those of you that hear to come and dine.
The Master is calling.
Come to Me and hear My voice for I am calling and saying come and dine
at the table that has been placed for you to take what you need to do
My work. It is in heavenly places but you can even now take what you
need from this table and use it to build My Kingdom.

Build My Kingdom.