
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Allow Your Faith to Deepen


There is a place in God to dwell and it is the secret
place of the most high. The Lord promises to keep
those that are His even during the most trying of
times. Do not despair but trust in the Lord God
for He promises to keep you who are committed to
Him in all your ways.

The Lord is a solid place to stand. He is that rock
in a hard place. You need to build your house on the
rock. All around you will be sand but in building on
the rock that is Christ you will be left standing.
Winds will blow. They will howl, but you who are
building on Christ will be left standing after the
storms of life have passed.

God is good and He is a faithful high priest. He was
tempted in all points as you are yet without sin.
Keep yourself pure. Keep yourself in the Word of
God and dig deep into it. Fill yourself up till you
are so full that it comes out of your mouth to others.

The Word is sharp and will minister to others and
when it flows from pure lips it shall surely become
planted in the lives of those around you. Allow
yourself to be a willing vessel that the Lord can use
in this hour. Tough times are here and growing
daily but so too should your faith in Christ be

Many things that are coming on the earth will
cause fear but for you that are in Christ you need
to act in an opposite spirit and run to the Lord.
His arms are outstretched and open to our cry.
Cry out to Him beloved and He will hear you and
answer your prayers. Cry out to Him and know
that He is the Lord and that He speaks today.

The Lord will lead you and guide you into all truth
as you hunger and thirst for righteousness. Are
you hungry beloved? Are you thirsty?
Come to the rock and drink for that rock is Christ.
Come to the rock that is higher. Come to the
rock and stand. Having done all you will stand.

God will cover you and you need to allow your
trust to deepen. Allow it to deepen till nothing
shakes your faith in the Lord. Stand firm and
strong in Him today.