My People Need to Hear Me
By Patricia Hamel
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by my
name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their
Come unto me my people.
Come unto me while there is time.
I am calling you.
I am calling you.
Do you hear me?
I am calling you.
My people forget me days without number.
They totally forget about me.
I am their God when they have need of me.
When they do not need me they put me
on the dusty shelves of their life.
They have forgotten me days and months
and even years without number.
I have been speaking to my people and they
are not hearing what I say to them.
Men, women and youth go about their lives
as though I were up in heaven and only
there at a certain time of year and the rest
of their days are filled with carnal things.
The carnality of my children is coming up
before Me.
I am seeing the carnality of my children.
I say unto you, "what am I to do as a
Father who is holy.
Am I to sit by year after year as My children
squander their inheritance and do nothing.
I ask you?
Am I to stand by and watch as some of My
children pass into eternity and are not truly
Am I to sit by as My children who are called
by My name have abortions and yet profess
Me in My church.
Am I to sit idly by and wait until they see the
Am I not to bring about consequences that
bring about change in their lives?
I ask you my children, when your children
disobey do you correct them?
Some of you do and some of you do not.
Have I not said in my Word that children are
to obey and honor their parents.
Is obedience not a part of my Word.
Have I asked you to do anything I have not
I was obedient to my Father on this earth.
I did nothing except what I saw my Father do.
You would do well to do what you see me do.
If you would live this way you would not have
the problems that you do.
Still you do not do these things.
Your intentions are good but most of you are
disobedient children and are not honoring me.
There are those that are living holy lives and
that are walking by faith and are wholly
sanctified unto me and walking in purity
who have my heart.
The majority of my children are in a state of
slumber and sleep.
Some of you are as dead.
You are totally inactive in the things of God.
It is time that my people who are called by My
name act as though they are called by my
You are called by my name.
Many of you were dedicated to me.
Your parents made commitments to me to bring
you up to serve the Lord.
That commitment has fallen by the wayside with
Arise and I will give you light.
Arise and get up on your feet.
Start to walk again in a committed way.
Commitment is part of serving Me.
Be committed to My Word.
My people are called by My name.
If you truly humble your hearts before me
in repentance I will forgive your sin.
I will remember them no more.
I will throw them away as far as the east
is from the west if you will but come to me
and repent of your sin.
Though they are as scarlet they shall be
white as snow.
My children my commandments are not grievous
when you truly love me.
Do you truly love me?
You say yes?
I say "it is time to obey Me".
I am weary of your treatment to me and to those
around you.
Your tongues need to be touched with coals from
off My altar.
You need a coal from off my altar to touch your
I am holy and you are called to walk in holiness for
without holiness no man shall see the Lord.
I am calling you to walk in holiness and your
standard is the Word of God. It is not man.
It is time to clean up your lives my children.
It is time to make yourself ready.
It is time to turn from your wicked ways, if
you want to hear from heaven.
You look at what is going on around you and many
are fearful and dismayed and are shaking their heads
and wondering where are the former days.
I say "these are the latter days and the former
days are gone forever".
You are living in the last days.
Many have not yet got this into their hearts and
are in disbelief and say "where are the signs of His
coming, for it has been thousands of years and He
has not come".
They think that I will not return.
I say unto you "the moment that my Father speaks"
and says "return and get your bride I will return".
I shall gather mine from the four corners of the earth.
The holy to be with Me forever and the ungodly
will be lost forever.
Now is the day of your salvation.
Are you going to miss the day of your visitation.
I am visiting my children now and there shall yet be
revival but it shall not be revival on a whole scale.
There will be revivals that will begin to burn and
fires shall be lit in the hearts of my children who
truly desire me more than silver and gold.
It will take true desire for you to be found worthy.
Many have prophesied in my name and many have
cast out devils in my name but on that day I shall
say "depart from me for I never knew you".
You must take time to know me and have a
relationship with Me.
This may seem like a hard word to bear. It is not a
pleasant thing for me to speak to my children in
this way.
The time for correction is here.
The time for correcting those I love is long overdue.
I correct those that I love.
I love you.
I love you.
I have tried to gather you as one that gathers her
chicks but you would not.
I have tried to have you but touch the hem of my
garment but you would not.
You could have touched the hem of my garment and
been made whole.
Come beloved of mine and arise.
Come my beloved and awake out of the slumber.
Open your eyes, open your ears and open your heart.
I am calling you.
Arise and call on my name.
The name of Jesus is the only name under heaven where
by man can be saved.
I am the door, the only door.
Good works will not do it only my blood applied to the
sin in your life will cleanse and make you clean.
Come and let me wash you with hyssop and you shall be
Let me wash you and you will be whiter than snow and
pure in My eyes once more.
The Spirit of Repentance needs to work in you. There
needs to be deep repentance and this is not a word
that my children like.
It is a word that my bride loves for she desires to be
She is cleansed by being washed in my blood and walking
a repentant walk.
Repent of your sins and I am faithful and just to forgive
you for your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
Get ready for things are coming very soon and you will
need to be prepared for the days are here when you need
to be close to me.
Let me hid you under my wings.
I would hide you in the palm of my hand.
I can hold you during tribulation.
In this world you shall have tribulation but be of good
cheer because I have overcome the world.
Be joyous in your walk.
Being filled with the Spirit will bring joy to your life.
Sweet joy and peace will enable you to walk worthy.
How do you expect to walk in these days unless you
are filled to overflowing with my Spirit.
How often do you come to me the oasis of your life
to be filled.
How often do you drink in the natural.
You need to drink in the Spirit.
Come drink and your thirst will be quenched.
Come and I will give you living water.
You will thirst no more.
My children ask why they hear things again and
It is because they do not hear that I repeat the same
word and the same lessons again and again.
Learn and there will be new lessons.
Old lessons become very boring to the one who
repeats them over and over.
Do something about life.
Move to higher ground.
It is time to move to higher ground.
There is safety in higher ground.
Move to higher ground and I will meet you as you
come to have fellowship with me.
Lessons are hard.
Life is hard.
My life was not easy when I walked on the earth
and I understand all that you are going through.
Trust me.
It is for your ultimate good.
Come to Me and I will change you into my image
and good will to you as you wait on me.