But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall
stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire,
and like a fuller's soap: Malachi 3:2
I am refining my people.
I am removing all that is a mixture in their lives..
I am like a refiner fire and a fullers soap.
I am refining your life.
I am moving you from your past and into your present.
I am working so that you would be able to deal with
your past and put it behind you.
I would have your past cleansed and have the
sin of your past put behind you.
The generational curses need to be broken in your
Get set free from the things you need to be delivered
from and move on.
This is a new day and I would have you to move into
present day living.
Now is the day you need to live in the present
and live today to the fullest for Me.
I would build you up and have you to live in My Word.
It is your dwelling place.
You are in this world but not of it.
The world is your past and as Israel came out of
Egypt after forty years so I am bringing you out of
your past and into the promised land.
I say that there are many giants between the wilderness
and the promised land and as you deal with those
giants they shall be seen as grasshoppers.
Your vision of Me will depend on how you see your
trials and and the things you are now facing.
Your goliath can be slain as you learn to take the Rock
and hit the target.
Hit the enemy in the head and slay him.
It is in tearing down those high ranking spirits in the
heavenlies that the opposition will come down.
David went for the head and the rest came down.
I would have your life to be consumed by My Word
as nothing else matters but what you have done for
All mens plans shall come to nothing and only My
plans bear fruit.
Live today and live in My Word.
Dwell there.
Do not look at the situation in the world except to
pray and intercede for them.
Do not camp there.
The Israelites looked at their situation, rebelled and
dwelt in the desert for forty years and only two came
out with those twenty years and younger into the
promised land.
The rest died in their wilderness.
Sin will cause you to rebel and die in the wilderness.
You need to learn the lessons I have given to you
during your time in the wilderness, grow from them
and only look back to remember, so that you will not
go there again.
He who looks back is not worthy of My Kingdom, but
put your hand to the plow and go forward.
It may seem difficult and as you plow new territory it
is never easy.
Breaking up new ground will always bring new need
of Me.
You cannot work and build in your own strength. You
need fresh oil to do My work.
I remind you that you are not building your kingdom
but mine.
This can only be done through the power of the Holy
I said "Holy Spirit".
I am holy and so what is done for Me must be done
in holiness to bring holy results for My Kingdom.
Be reminded that only what is done for Me will last.
All that is built on wood, hay and stubble will fall to
the ground.
It has been tested and found faulty.
Solid Rock is the only place to build.
A sure foundation is what you need to build on.
I am the solid Rock that Rock of offense but that
Rock is the only place of safety.
Build on Me the Rock, for I Jesus Christ am that
solid Rock.
Spend time building your foundation.
It will be worth time spent when building to make
sure that I am the chief cornerstone.
I am the Rock of offense that shall be your defense
against the enemy.
I am that Rock that you can hurl at the enemy and
It is in My Name that he will flee.
Do not be fearful of the foe but learn to turn My
Word on him and as you do so you will become
more confident in your moving against him.
Move toward Me and against the enemy.
Sharpen your sword until it is sharp.
Put on the full armor of God that you can stand in
the evil day and having done all to stand.
Make sure that you have checked your armor and
put on the breastplate of righteousness and the
hope of salvation. Put on the full armor of God.
There are many parts to the armor of God and
you will need the shield of faith where you will be
able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.
Quench the fire of the enemy with the fire of My
Holy Spirit.
My Spirit will show you how to defeat the darts.
Remember to stay covered in My blood and to keep
your lives free of sin.
When you do sin, come to Me immediately and
repent and you will be cleansed from all unrighteous-
The key is to come and come quickly.
You are not under the law but grace.
You do not go to hell because you fail once but it
blocks your walk with Me.
I turn my face from sin and as you sense the
withdrawal of My presence it is either because of
sin or because I am wanting you to come and run
after Me, your Bridegroom and seek Me out.
You will find Me when you seek Me with your whole
Seek Me and you will find Me.
I, Jesus Christ am Lord.
Make Me Lord of your life.
There is no good thing that I withhold from him who
walks uprightly.
No good thing that is needed for My Kingdom.
Trust Me for I will be your provision.
Man is not your provision nor is this world system.
I am your provision.
Did I not provide for My children in the wilderness.
They were provided manna daily and instructed how
to collect the manna.
Would I not show you where to find food, O you of
little faith.
It is not in storing up for tomorrow that you will have
more faith in Me, if your trust is not in Me.
Trust Me.
Trust Me.
I will see you through.
Did I not divide the red sea and did not my people
cross over, and was the enemy not defeated?
The horse and the rider fell into the sea.
The enemy was defeated.
Did not Deborah and Barak sin that song of victory
and you too shall have victory in My name. You
shall have victory as Jael did and slew the enemy
Sisera and you shall know how to drive the peg
into the enemy and defeat him.
I am teaching you to put your hands to war and to
fight and win.
Learning warfare takes time and you will always
be learning.
Do not go on what you think you learned yesterday.
Ask for fresh insight, wisdom and discernment on
waging this war.
A new day brings new insight and wisdom.
Pray for wisdom for all of My body.
My children need wisdom.
I watch them flounder and sink and am just waiting
for them to cry out to Me.
Cry out to Me, Jesus and I will come to your rescue.
I walked on water and rescued Peter. Can I not
rescue you.
Let me rescue you.
Now put your future into my hands and live one day
at a time.
If you worry about tomorrow, you will live in fear.
Live today in my presence.
Live for today and do not look to tomorrow for
sufficient today is the evil.
Tomorrow is in my hands.
Allow Me to rescue you from your troubles and to
see you through.
I am the way through.
I am the path and I am the light at the end of the
I am the light and I am the only light on your path.
Look and see the light for I am ever walking you
as you trust Me and I am ever leading you forward
step by step.
As you walk in My steps it shall be easier if walk
where I walk.
Follow the path of My Word.
It shall lead you Home.