Comprehend My love.
A love so deep that it took Me to die
for mankind so that you would be free of sin.
Total forgiveness available for all that will come
to Me in repentance.
You cannot fathom My love. Its unspeakable
riches. Ponder My love for you and dwell on it.
It will make you more obedient when you
realize afresh the price I paid.
My love is far beyond what you think it to be.
Come close to Me and I will reveal the Father's
Comprehend My love.
A love so deep that it took Me to die
for mankind so that you would be free of sin.
Total forgiveness available for all that will come
to Me in repentance.
You cannot fathom My love. Its unspeakable
riches. Ponder My love for you and dwell on it.
It will make you more obedient when you
realize afresh the price I paid.
My love is far beyond what you think it to be.
Come close to Me and I will reveal the Father's