
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Aline With Israel

The day is here that I would have you to align
yourselves with Israel. Come into alignment
with the Word of God.
The descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the
apple of my eye.
They are my treasures. I have loved them even when
they would not obey Me and turned their backs one Me.
I have loved them. I have not liked all that my children
have done. I have hated their sins but I have loved my

I have looked down upon them and seen their hurt
and pain and longed to touch them.
The day is now here that those nations that love me
must aline themselves with my people.
No more will I tolerate nations that come against Israel
without My divine judgment coming against those nations.

The sheep nations will be those that will come
alongside my people.
Those that will not come aside will be separated and
be goat nations. Right now those nations are being
looked at and a dividing line is coming.
Align yourself with my people and pray for my
people for they are the very time clock for your world.
They set the precedence for what will happen.

Look upon Israel, for there you will see the signs of
my returning.
Look upon my people with my heart and see their need.
Look upon them as your people, for you were
engrafted in and you are a part of them. You are to be
one with Israel. One with the apple of my eye. They
are truly mine and I shall never rejected them,
so come alongside.

Great turbulence is coming upon the earth and a
time of great judgment as never before but the
nations that align themselves with my people and
repent of their sins and the treatment of my people
shall have life. There needs to be repentance on
behalf of my people for the way many of the nations
have treated them for they are a despised people by
most of this world. They are surrounded by their

I would have my body arise. I am saying it is time
that you arose to the occasion and came and aligned
yourselves with Me, the Word of God. Look and see
throughout my Word the times I have shared with
my people. They are a people like non other.
They are mine. The apple of my eye. A day does
not go by where I take my eye off of my children.
They are mine. You are mine. I love all of my children
but know that you were ingrafted into the vine and
had they not rejected me I would not have allowed
the preaching to have gone forth to the Gentiles.
Preaching went forth to the gentiles because I chose
to make my people jealous for their rejection of me.

I am their Father, I am your Father a Father that
can never forsake his children. I am Jesus and I am
returning to set my feet down on the Mount of Olives.
I am coming again and I am coming soon.

There are great difficulties coming upon this earth
and you must learn to pray. Learn to pray for
Jerusalem. Align your hearts with her for she is the
apple of my eye. Be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
It was once a holy city with my presence but it is no
longer holy and I would have my
holiness reign there. Intercession needs to arise and
arise quickly calling into being those things that are
not as though they are.

Call in my people to the Kingdom of God. I would
that workers be raised up to bring all of the harvest
in and I would that my people see me. Call them in
from the north, the east, the south and the west.
Call them back to their homeland. They were
scattered but I would bring them back. I would bring
them back. Pray for provision for them to come back
and provision for those that have returned. Pray
for divine leadership in Israel. Pray for righteous
government. Pray for those in authority in all walks
of life there. For the schools, for the children and
those that are in the armed forces that fight the
battle in the natural for they fight for me. Pray for
the police and the security of Israel. Pray for
protection of the borders and pray for their enemies
that they would become wise and realize who they
are dealing with for they are not dealing with
a small and insignificant little country. They are
dealing with God Almighty, the King of King and
the Lord of Lords that will
one day reign from Jerusalem. My Kingdom will
be a Kingdom of righteousness and true holiness
for without it no man shall see the Lord.

Declare freedom for my people. Decree their
protection. Call in those to intercede and stand
in the gap. This my dear ones affects you for
what affects Israel affects you. Call in the warriors
that will war for the things of God. Call in those that
have a warrior spirit that will begin to arise. Call in
those that will stand and shout when danger is near
and ward off the enemy.

I am calling my people into times with me. Times
of fasting and prayer where those than can fast
will fast for the situations in the world. What
your Nation does will affect it. The nation that
loves Israel loves me and the nation that turns
against her turns against me. Choose me and live.
I say these things in my love for my people and
what I have seen taking place against her. It is
one thing when I permit something in dealing
with a nation but another when I see those
coming against Israel. I will deal with my peoople
and your responsibility is to pray for them.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for they shall
prosper that love her. I am the Lord and I will
have the last say for I am the bright and the
Morning Star. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob and I keep covenant with my people.
I do not break covenant because my covenant
agreements I keep. I did not abolish the Law
but it was fulfilled in Christ. Fulfil the law of
Christ. It has been written on the table of your
hearts and I would have you to hear the voice
of my Spirit that is speaking unto those that
have me as their God.

I am calling forth a generation of those that
will stand in this hour for righteousness and
go to the nations and take the Word of the
Lord and speak forth my word. The harvest
needs to come in that My Kingdom may be
ushered in. I will make a short work in the
earth. I would have you do a quick work
to bring in the harvest. My eye is upon my
people and my eye is upon all of my children
for my love for you is equal.

I died for each one of you that you might
have life. That life is in my Son. Come unto
Him and live. For behold He comes quickly.