I am the great burden bearer and I shall carry your burdens, says the Lord.
I am all sufficient and My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
Know that I am with you and able to carry you through the trials and
tribulations that you are facing, for I am the Lord.
I passed through these trials on the earth and beloved I know that it is not
easy, but know that I am with you and will always be with you even to the
Know that I will never leave you and that I have left you the Comforter, the
Holy Spirit to comfort you in all of your need.
Trust in Me for I am faithful, says the Lord and I will honor faith and I will
honor your faith and trust in Me.
Rejoice that you know Me.
Rejoice that I am your God.
Praise Me for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Rejoice and praise Me for as you do the burdens will be light, says the Lord.
Lay your burden before Me and ask Me to help you and make it light.
Indeed I am the Lord that healeth you and will make your crooked places
straight, for I am the Lord.
Delight in Me. Commit your ways to Me and I will direct your path.
The path is bright beloved because you know Me.
Pray for those that do not know Me.
Pray for those that are incapable of the compassion and love that I have
given you.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
Delight in Me and I shall give you the desire of your heart.
Lean to Me and not to your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge
Me and I will direct you.
I am so able to do above all you would ask or think possible.
Do not doubt but totally put your trust in Me.