
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fishers of Men

It is time to reach out and launch the nets,
It is time to reach out and cast them forth.
It is the hour for my children to cast off restraint
and launch into the deep.
No longer shall you fish in the shallow waters,
but I would have you to cast your nets into the

It is time my children to cast your nets and cast
them wide.
In casting them wide you will bring in many fish.
It is the time now to bring in the small ones and
the big ones.
It is time now to launch into the highways of
your life and even go deeper than you ever
thought possible.
In launching out you are launching out in faith.

Faith will bring the impossible into being.
As you launch out in faith,
Your faith will bring in the harvest.
Launch out and cast the nets wide.
Do not look inside and say only one has come in.
I say unto you when you cast your net forth in
my name you should expect harvest that is big.

The net you have prepared has been well prepared.
I have been the one to prepare you to catch the

I fished with my disciples and I taught them much
about being fishers of men.
I am teaching you and have been teaching you
how to fish for souls.
Fish for souls.
You are my fishermen and you are fishers of men.

Think not that you do not now what to say for I will
give you faith filled words and you shall speak those
faith filled words and the words that you speak shall
not be your words but they shall be my words,
says the Lord.

I will give you in that hour and that moment the
words that you will speak unto that one.
The words for the one will differ for the other.
Each one of those you are trying to touch with my
gospel has a need a need to be set free from the sin
that has ensnared them.

Many are extremely bound to the point of destruction
but I say as you will go fishing and expect to have
harvest you shall.
The needs are great.
The souls are very battered and will need ministered
to and this is where you must be prepared as you
bring them in and be able to minister to their need.

Did I not say that I would make you fishers of men.
Cast your nets my children and cast them wide for
there is a wide group in society that needs to come in.

Those that you think will not come will as you pray
and ask me for the key to bringing them into the

Fishing in the Kingdom and fishing in the natural has
something in common. You need in the natural to use
bait. In the spiritual you need to cast your bread upon
the waters and it shall come back after many days.
The bread you sow will come back. Expect abundance.

You have not because you as not but I am the God
of abundance, ask for abundance, expect it and your
harvest shall be great. Pray for your harvest. Begin
to pray for your harvest by name and expect that they
will come in. New expectations is the word I am
saying, have new expectations.

Do not think in the way you thought in the past, for
I would do a new thing. I would teach you new ways
to reach these ones for me. Prayer changes much and
as you begin to call upon me and name your harvest,
name them and call them into the Kingdom of God.

Speak the power of the decree and declare before me
and before the enemy that they belong to Jesus and
that he can no longer have them. He will have to let
go. No longer as you do battle, serious battle for a
soul will he be able to hold on. Do serious battle for
the soul. Cry out to me, cry out to me, cast forth the
nets, for the harvest is here. Just as my disciples were
ready to give up they caught the most in their nets
because they obeyed my Word.

When I say go and cast your net, go and cast your net.
The enemy is casting his net, a snare daily for those
that would come to me and for those that are already
mine and you must take back what he has stolen from
me and what he has stolen from you. Your families,
loved ones, friends and neighbours are all in need of
a great salvation. My salvation is a great salvation. My
harvest time will bring in men. Get ready, get prepared
launch deeper, deeper than you have before.

Launch into my Word in a deeper way. Go into the
Word where you have not gone before and see if I do
not bring you a harvest. You will see things in my
Word that you have not seen before. Pray and open
the eyes of your understanding and you will see
great and wonderful things in my word. Great and
wonderful things that you will be able to share
with those you bring in. There is much in my
Word that you have not seen.

There is so much that I long to have you see of
myself and I would have you to truly know me.
My precious ones I would have you launch into
the depths of my Word and spend time there
in the depths of my Word.

As the nets go down in the natural so your nets
must go deep in the spiritual. Expect that when
you get into my word that you shall receive.
There is treasure in my Word. I am drawing
you to want to spend time looking for the hidden
treasures in my Word. The treasure is there
and if you are willing to dig for it you will find
the gold and the silver and the revelation that
you have been looking for. Do not think that
revelation will come to those that do not spend
time in my Word. Spend time with me in my
Word and I will reveal to you the deep things
of my Word. You shall go past the surface
of my word and receive the depth of it.

Staying in shallow water is safe but it is only
satisfying for a time and then there is that desire
to go into deeper waters.

The wave of my Spirit is coming for those that
desire to catch it but you must be ready when the
wave of my Spirit comes for the wave of my Spirit
is coming and it is coming soon.

Learn to catch the move of my Spirit and flow
with it. Many shall miss the move of my Spirit
but many are ready and hungry for more. To
those that are hungry, they shall be filled.

As you are hungry in the natural and need to eat
so it is with the spiritual. I am wetting your appetite
for more of me. I am telling you that you have been
satisfied with little, but if you reach out to me in a
deeper way you will now receive much. A moment
in my Word, a verse here and a verse there will no
longer satisfy. My children need to know me the
Word of God.

I am asking that you get to know me for I am a
fisher of men. I would make you fishers of men.
Fishers of men spend time in my Word learning
how to win the souls of men. My disciples trained
at my feet. They spent time with me. Much time.
I taught then continually. I corrected them, I
loved them and they desired me. Yes, they did
fail me but all but one of them repented and
came back and their latter ministry was greater
than their first. They finally were able to stand
against the storms that came their way and even
Paul when shipwrecked did not give up.

Do not give up my children. You are so very close
now to my Kingdom do not give up. Do not let the
enemy deter you. Stand in the power of my Spirit
and do not yield ground. Stand and having done
all stand. I am your Lord and I was a fisher of
men. I still am a fisher of men and I am calling
you today to launch into the deep, launch your
nets and bring in much. Prepare your nets, mend
your nets and be ready to launch into the deep
both in my Word and casting your bread upon
the waters to bring souls in. Go forth in the
power of my Spirit, children, go forth. I am
here to help you and guide you and I am your
teacher and will lead you along your way.

I am leading you and I have been leading you
and you shall know further leading of my
Spirit as you cast forth your nets in faith.
Do not waver but pray and cast forth my
Word. It shall not come back void but will
go where I send it.