
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Return to Me While There is Time

I am calling you back unto me.
I am calling and saying unto you, come
into line with my Word.

You were once upon the path of life.
You once followed me and have strayed
from the path of life.

The deceitfulness of sin allowed you to stray
and many feel that they have gone too far
and cannot come back to me.

This is a lie from the enemy who says you
are too sinful and have gone to far,
God cannot love you,
you can never be used in ministry again,
but I say unto you I am calling you back.

I am calling you and I would not have you to
put off my call.
It is grace flowing from my throne that is
calling you and saying "come and see if I do
not forgive your transgressions and again
wash them white as snow.

I am a God that forgives when there is true
repentance and you have been standing there
alone and in sin and wondering if it is
indeed too late.

Do not receive the lie.
Receive the truth.
I speak truth. I am truth and I am life and it
is not too late.
While there is life it is not too late.

I Jesus am calling you unto myself.
Come unto me and repent of your sin and I
will yet take your life and use it for my glory.

I will yet take you and I will wash you clean
and build you up and you again stand in the
congregation of the righteous as a pillar and
as one that used to speak my Word.
You shall speak my Words again.

Think not as man thinks, for all have sinned and
come short of the Glory of God.
All have sinned and come short of my glory.

The difference is wisdom.
Some are wise and some are foolish.
The wise learn from their sins and come back
unto me.
Come and come running unto me and I will
receive you as I received the prodigal son.
He came back in all his filthiness to me and I
forgave him and I say as I forgave him I shall
forgive you.

There are many prodigals and there are many that
have been cleaned up and are now serving me.
In my Kingdom there are many that have learned
from their sins and they have learned Wisdom.
Learn Wisdom.
Love it like a sweetheart and it shall bring you life.

I will bring you back and you shall come into my
presence with singing and everlasting joy shall be
upon your head.
Come back now.

Remember the joy you had in serving me.
I remind you of that joy.
You have had no joy in your sin.
I see in the secret place and I have seen you
in your sin.
I have seen.
Come out of the sin.
Come out and put your trust in me for I will
abundantly pardon all that you have done against me.
Sin, all sin is ultimately against me.

It is against me and me only that you have sinned
and done this evil in my sight.
I will take this sin and I shall throw your adulteries
into the sea of forgetfulness.
I shall forgive you and wash you clean.

Spiritual adultery and choosing other gods is sin.
Choose me and allow me to bring you back to life.
You have been like a leaf that has fallen from a tree
and died but I would bring you back to life.
I would breath my life back into you.

Go back to my Word and look into my Word and
again read John 3:16. For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
Life eternal is so permanent.

There will be a reckoning day for your sin, but
now is that time of grace where my Spirit is calling
I am calling you and have been calling you for some
Do not put off the day of your repentance for I have
been calling you to repentance for some time.

My love is calling. It is calling. It is calling.
Come and make things right with me while there is
time for sin hardens the heart and the deeper and
the longer you wait the harder it is to hear my call.

I am calling you today.
Today, do not harden your heart but hear my call
for I am calling unto repentance.
Repent and do your first works.
Repent and I will pour fresh oil into your wounds.
I will take you and I will heal you.

You shall know that you have been touched by
my healing hand.
I will forgive you much if you come back unto me.
Do not delay, do not delay, do not delay but come
running unto me for I am calling you to come
running unto me.

I will receive you with open arms as you come unto me.