I am holy. I am holy.
I am the Lamb of God that takes away the sin
of the world.
Holy is My Name.
I am worthy for I am the Lamb of God that
takes away the sin of the world.
Open up your heart unto Me.
I would take away your sin.
I would deliver you from the sin in your life.
I know how to deliver man from the most
horrible sins.
I am the Lord that delivers.
I am the great deliverer.
Did I not deliver My people out of Egypt.
Can I not deliver you.
Can I not set you free from your bondage.
Call upon Me.
Call upon My Name.
Cry out to Me and I will set you free.
I will open your prison doors.
You are in a prison that has no doors on
the outside but inside yourself you are in
a prison.
I would deliver you from your prison.
I would deliver you from alcohol. I would
deliver from drugs.
I would deliver you from the sin that so
easily ensnares you.
Do you want to be free?
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Call upon the Name of Jesus. There is
power in My Name over all power of the
My Name has delivering power.
Did I not deliver the gaderene?
Can I not set you free to be what you
are called to be?
Trust in Me.
Call upon Me and I will answer you.
I am a loving God that longs to set the
captives free and open the prison doors
to those that are bound.
There is deliverance from the demonic
bondage that you are in.
You are feeling alone in your sin.
You are not alone.
I am here to help you.
Cry out to Me.
Cry out to me and I will deliver you.
You shall not remember the sins of your
I am a covenant keeping God and I do not
break covenant with My people.
Make a commitment to Me.
Ask Me into your heart and as you do this
it will be the beginning.
If you repent of your sin I am faithful and
just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
Do you think I am a man that I should lie?
I do not lie.
I am truth and in Me there is no lie.
I will bring freedom and life and the power of
My Spirit shall flow through you and you shall
know the freedom of God.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall
set you free.
The truth is that you need Me.
You need to make a decision that you have
been putting off.
Make the decision today for you do not know
what tomorrow holds.
Come to Me today for now is the day of your
Now is the day of your deliverance.
Call upon Me and I will answer you.
I will answer you in your distress.
I see your loneliness.
I see your despair and I long to come to you.
You have held back saying "there is no help".
I am telling you the things that you have said.
You have said "I have done too many bad things".
You have not gone too far.
I can set you free.
I am calling you to come unto me now.
Do not delay.
Put all your trust in Me.
I Jesus can set you free.
I can open your prison door.
I Jesus can deliver you for there is power in my
Name to deliver you.
Come and come now.
My Spirit is calling and saying to you "come".
Now is the day of your salvation.
Now is the day of deliverance.
Let this enter your heart.
Do not receive this word with your head but
hear with your heart.
Open your ears and hear what the Spirit of God
is saying unto you.
Prepare yourself for the day of the Lord is at
hand and I shall return as a thief in the night.
Be ready for My returning.
You have an eternity to gain and a hell to shun.
Do not delay.