I am pure and holy.
I desire your heart to be pure and holy.
I am holy and I would have my children to be holy
in all manner of conversation.
Words spoken need to be tempered by My Spirit.
It is time for my children to put a watch at the door
of their hearts and their mouth will then line up with
My Word.
Guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.
I the Lord am the Holy One.
You have been separated unto Me and that separation
is a Holy calling.
I walked a holy life while I was upon the earth and was
and am without sin.
You say in your heart, how can I walk holy and
blameless before God for I am human.
You can do so by the power of My Holy Spirit.
My Spirit is Holy.
The Spirit of Holiness will work in those of My children
that desire to be like Me.
Without holiness no man shall see the Lord.
Does the word holiness make you uncomfortable?
It should not.
Holiness is a part of My character.
Be ye holy for I am holy, says the Lord.
Draw nigh to Me and I will draw nigh to you.
Come into My presence and you will become like Me.
Learn of Me
for I am meek and lowly in heart.
Learn from my Word that I Am a holy God.
My blood that was shed for you cleanses you from all
Repent of your sin and I will forgive you your sins.
I will forgive you from all unrighteousness.
I will cleanse you.
Heaven is a place for the pure and holy.
There is no sin in heaven.
You cannot perfect yourself.
Allow Me to perfect you.
The more you spend time in my presence the more
you will become like Me.
Do not rationalize sin.
Put away sin.
Choose to walk in holiness before Me.
I am looking for those that will walk a holy walk.
Purity is a quality in My bride.
Love for Me will produce holiness.
True beauty is My holiness within your heart.
My Father is looking for holiness.
When I took upon myself the sin of the world
My Father could no longer look upon Me.
Sin separated us.
I became sin who knew no sin.
I became sin for you that you would have a life
free of sin.
I came to set you free from the power of sin.
I came to break the hold of the devil, the power
of sin and death that he was holding.
I broke that power for you.
You will die naturally one day but if you serve
Me you will not die spiritually.
That was broken by My work on the cross.
I am your advocate with the Father.
I live to make intercession for you.
My bride will be without spot or wrinkle.
She shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb
and the Word of her testimony.
My bride will want her life hid in mine.
She will desire for Me to be glorified.
Glory brought to Me will bring My bride
great joy.
It brings Me great joy when I see My children
walking in holiness.
Stay close to the cross and walk with me
intimately if you desire to be holy.
Desire to be holy.
You need to be cleansed often.
My angels say, holy, holy, holy Lord God
Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Allow Me to begin a cleansing of sin in your
Pray for the mind of Christ.
Let the mind of Christ be in you.
Renew your mind.
Renew your mind in My Word.
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your
Sanctify yourself wholly.
Line your hearts up with the Word of God.
I am the Word of God.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
My heavenly Kingdom is an kingdom where
holiness dwells.
My angels are holy.
They serve a holy God.
They dispatch My commands and My
commands are always holy.
My commandments are holy.
I never speak contrary to the Word.
How can I speak contrary to what I am.
I am a holy and righteous God.
Wash your garments.
Prepare your hearts.
I am looking for hungry hearts that will
desire my holiness.
Make yourself ready my beloved.
I am returning for My bride
Be ye holy.
Come into my presence and sing of my
Rejoice in My holiness.
Love My Holiness.
Praise My Holy name.
Magnify the name of the Lord for I am holy
Holy is the Lamb that was slain.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty,
Praise My holy name.