Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen
You are called by My name.
I have given you honor.
I am the day spring that would arise in your heart.
Praise Me.
I am living water.
Let Me arise.
You are chosen.
I knew you in your mothers womb.
I saw you there.
Future and hope are my plans for you.
You are in my heart.
Your life is no accident.
It was ordained by Me.
Follow Me.
Rejoice in My presence.
Value your new birth.
I see great value in you.
Great worth.
I loved you from the womb.
Few answer My call.
You heard My voice.
Give Me your all.
Make your calling and election sure.
It will be worth the price you paid.
My chosen one.
You have found Me, Gods Son.
Tell others who I am.
A chosen one speaks out My name.
Rejoice in the Lord always; and
again I say, rejoice.
Chosen one.