he Lord would say to you, I have been holding back My judgments
from the Nations of the earth to the degree that My intercessors
hold them back by calling on Me in prayer and intercession by
standing in the gap.
A hedge needs to be built where the foe has made inroads and entered.
Repent and build up the hedges.
Fill in the gap by standing in it on behalf of those that I lay on your
Pray for those that are in authority over you and honor authority but do
not buckle under to the whims of men.
My eye is going to and fro searching and seeking for those that will
stand and walk in the integrity of their heart without fear of man.
Walk in total obedience to My Word.
You cannot do this in your strength but in Mine, says the Lord.
Stand in the gap and build up the wall.
This is a call to repentance.
I am looking for true repentance that bears fruit.
I will not hold back My wrath forever but I am long suffering and not
willing that a soul perish without opportunity to know Me.
I value a soul above all that man values.
Seek Me and see if I may be found.
You will find Me when you seek Me with your whole heart.
I am looking for offerings from the heart.
I am looking for My love to see it flowing to the non believer.
I am looking for love that stays awake to seek My face.
I am looking for those that want to know Me.
Do not delay.
Harken to My voice.
I am calling you.
I am calling those that will bend their knee in humility before Me
expecting glory to be given to My Name.
Honor Me people, that profess My name.
Honor Me those that say, "you know Me".
I am knocking at the door of hearts and knocking at the door of Nations.
Hear My love.
It is My loving hand that has been withholding and withholding.
Only the prayers of the intercessors are causing Me to delay what
man truly deserves.
I am waiting a little longer but do not test My patience but turn to
Me in repentance.
You will see Me forgive the iniquities of man if My people who are
called by My name will humble themselves and fast and pray and turn
from their wicked ways.
You will then hear from heaven and I shall heal your land.
The healing of your land is still possible.
The hour is very late.
The judge of the whole earth shall He not do the right thing.
Again I say, "I wait, standing at the door and knocking at the
door of man's hearts.
I Jesus knock and say, "let Me come in and I will heal your land".