
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Arise With New Zeal

I am the Lord.
I am mighty in battle and I will battle with you.
I am the Lord of battles and yet I am the prince
of peace.
I am your soon coming King.
I will lead you in warfare.
I will lead you by My Spirit.
I say to you arise with new zeal.
Arise and put on zeal as a cloak.
Cover yourselves in My blood that was shed
for you.

The angel of the Lord encamps around those
that fear Me.
Fear Me and you will have divine protection
in this hour.
I will protect those that totally surrender all
and trust in Me.
I am more than a conqueror. I am Almighty God.
You are more than a conqueror through Christ.

Arise and fight the battle.
Arise and be My battle ax and weapon of war.
Arise My beloved and I will give you light that
shall shine in the darkness.
Arise My lovely and I will help you put on your
wedding garment.
I will clothe you in white and you shall stand
before Me faultless, clothed in the blood that I
shed for you.

My child, My bride. You are mine.
I rejoice that you are pressing in.
Press in harder for the battle has been won but
the enemy does not yet realize he has lost.
Yes, he has lost and is a defeated foe.
My feet are on his neck even as we speak
and I crushed him.
So dance precious one.
Dance before Me and rejoice
Praise and dance in the victory of battle.
You know that you have already won.
O that My children would know that the
battle has been won.