My precious ones it is imperative that you lean
on Me. I am your Father and am there for you
to lean upon. I am there for you at all times. In
the good times and in the difficult times I want
to be your life. Lean on Me. Put your trust in Me.
Know that I am there for you and will never
forsake or leave you. It seems that I have left
you unattended, but know that I am always
with you. I will be with you even unto the end.
You feel forsaken and alone. Look up. You are
not alone. There are those moments that My
beloved ones feel this way but know that I
have not left you. The enemy wants you to
think that I have departed. I will be with you
always. Trust Me in the difficult seasons of
your life and trust Me when all seems well
with your soul.
Surrender all and trust Me with all that you
are and all that you have. Give all your concerns
over to Me. Carrying burdens is too much for
you. Surrender all to Me. Lift up your eyes to
the hills from whence cometh your help. I own
the cattle on a thousand hills and I own you.
Beloved of mine, trust me knowing that you
can trust the one that you love. I made you
fearfully and wonderfully in My image. You
were bought With a high price. The price of
My shed blood on the cross. I was resurrected
to give you life eternal and life here and now.
The areas of your life that are not surrendered
to me will give you difficulty. There is total
freedom in releasing and surrendering all to
Me. I will make the changes as you give all
over to Me. It is an act of faith to surrender
all to Me. I honor faith. Surrender all and
walk in faith. It will be rewarded.
The just shall walk by faith. Walk out the areas
of your salvation with new faith in Me. I will
show you where your faith lacks and then you
can ask Me for help. I will teach you through
My Word and it is through My Word that
your faith will develop and grow. Faith as a
grain of a mustard seed will move mountains.
Have faith in me. Look at the size of the
mustard seed and yet when it is fully grown
it is the largest of trees. Your faith will start
out small but should be growing daily.
If it is not then fill yourself with faith filled
Words and the promises from My Word.
Pray in faith. Believe in faith. Act in faith.
Move in faith. Faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God. Pray for
increased faith and revelation. I am
stretching your faith. It requires total trust
in Me. Absolute surrender is truly faith in
action. Surrender all and walk in faith.
The just shall live by faith in Me, the Son
of God.