
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Delay in Intercession

My children delay in their intercession
and are not coming before Me.
I have called My children to intercession.
You are living in serious times, says the Lord.

It is time to call upon Me and know that I will answer you.
Reach out to Me and I will hear you.
It is time to lay aside the things that keep you from coming
to Me and join hearts with the few that are interceding.

Many of you are called to intercession and the spirit of
intercession is within you and you are not yielding to My call.
Few of you are actually interceding with any regularity
or fervency.

Lay aside the things that keep you from spending time with Me
and come boldly in repentance and call upon Me and see
Me answer the requests in intercession that you bring before Me.

Bring Israel before Me.
Bring Nations before Me.
Pray for those in authority throughout the land and pray for those
that need to come into right relationship with Me.

Pray fervently. Pray beloved, pray. You will find the intercession
sweet as you find My heart and pray.
You will be burdened but the presence of My Spirit will make it all
It will change your nation and it will change you.

It will raise up a standard against the enemy who is walking to and
fro and attacking with rage.
Raise up a standard against Him and come at Him with the arsenol
of the Kingdom of God.

Use My Name.
Declare a thing and it shall come to pass and that power of decree
that is in your mouth will be a sharp sword against the enemy.
Tear down the strongholds in My name.
Beloved you have that authority in My name over all power of the enemy.
He is defeated beloved but you must attack him full force with the power
of the Holy Ghost that dwells in you.

Use the prayer language I have given you and pray continually and you
will see results.
Take out your sword beloved. Take it out and sharpen it and draw it
and strike the enemy.
Strike the strongholds in your home and in you neighborhood.
Then as you see victory go forward taking more and more territory for the
Kingdom of God.

I have given you the ability to fight and get answers.
I have given you the ability to win.
Fight beloved and win.
Kill the enemy.