Beloved, know that the work that I am doing in
your life is an everlasting work.
I am moving by My Spirit and allowing many
things to take place that will work together for
your good.
At this present time they may not see good to
you, but precious one know that in time you
will truly see that all things do work
together for good, because you love Me.
I know beloved that you truly love Me.
I yet have my hand heavy upon your life and
am working a great work in your heart.
Know that I am doing an everlasting work in
you and that work will remain.
The trials and testings you are going through
are but temporary but what I am doing in
your life is eternal and will produce a far
more eternal weight of glory.
Beloved of mine, do not fret and do not fear
but yield to the working of My Spirit for
I am doing a good work in you.
Cast all of your cares upon Me for I care for
you. Beloved, I am not the author of confusion
but I am truly your peace in this hour of testing
and trial.
I am the Prince of Peace and am bringing about
the peaceable fruit of righteousness in your life.
Trust in Me, beloved, for as you yield to Me
you shall bear much fruit.
The fruit that you bear shall remain.
Beloved of mine, come aside with Me, beloved
of mine.
I am yours and you are mine, My beloved.
Come aside with Me and rest in the finished
work of Calvary to do all in you at this time.
I am always with you beloved one and know
that I will never leave or forsake you.
Precious one, I am your Father and am
speaking to your heart.
Yield to Me, beloved and you will find the
peace you so desire in your heart and home.
Yes, I am working to bring about peace and
to bring the changes you are crying out to
have in your life.
Beloved, continue to reach out for Me and
you shall fine Me when you seek Me with
your whole heart.
Beloved of mine, seek Me, beloved of mine.
I call you My beloved because you are indeed
You are one that will always belong to Me
because you are trusting in Me and I am
encouraging you to call out to Me.
Your responses are there but I want you to
fully respond to My voice.
Beloved, I am yours and waiting for your call.
Call out to Me, beloved.
I am waiting to hear your voice and I will
answer. I will answer you.
Fear not, I will answer you.