
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Listen For My Heartbeat

Your restlessness is a sign that you are desiring more
of Me and yet you are not spending necessary time
with Me. I am seeking you out and drawing you into
intimacy with Me.

Restlessness is stirring you and I am calling you to
myself. I will bring you peace. The stirring of My
Spirit is to bring you to a new level of intimacy
with Me. Allow yourself to be drawn into that intimacy.

I am drawing you dissatisfied one to hunger and
thirst for more of Me. All the things of this world seem
mundane to you because I have captivated you. Now
all else but Me seems uninviting. Truly all else is
secondary to My presence. Hunger for Me. Draw
closer to Me and as you will I will be waiting for you.

Come beloved of mine into the bridal chamber of
My love. I am calling you deeper and deeper into
My divine presence. I am calling you and you are not
always listening but I continue to call because I know
your heart and know you will come to Me. I am
listening for you and waiting and would have you to
listen to Me. Deep calls to deep and My spirit is
calling and waiting for you. Revelation awaits you
beloved. Revelation of Jesus Christ your bridegroom
awaits all who come to Me.

Bring your hungry heart into the room of My presence
and you shall know a feast in your heart and be satisfied
as one that has been fed the best food and wine.
I have saved the best for the last. Now is the time to come
and savor all that I have for you and all that I long to give
you. I would give you myself. I would have you to know
your God and spend time just sitting at My feet. Listen
for My heartbeat.

Listen for My voice. Listen to softness of the call. I am
calling you into My presence, into the secret place of
the Most High.

I am calling you. Will you lay all aside and come as you
are with all your cares and concerns and just spend time
leaving all else aside. I will strengthen you as you are
refreshed in Me. I will prepare you for the days that are
ahead. Be refreshed beloved of Mine for I am the one
that will refresh you and give you fresh manna. Come
to Me My beloved. Do not wait. What is hindering you
to come to Me now? Now is the day that I desire your
visitation and in coming to Me I shall touch you in the
areas of your life that will put a new fire burning in your
heart. It shall keep you through the days ahead. I shall
kindle a new fire though the old one is still burning.
I would kindle an even deeper love between us. Come
beloved of mine.