The Lord will take us and his Word shall flow.
It shall flow like rivers of living water.
This river shall flow throughout the land and
it shall cleanse as it flows.
As rivers flow in the natural,
my river shall flow from the Throne of grace in
the spiritual and my river shall increase in its
power and none shall be able to stop the flow
of my river.
The river is the river of life.
It shall flow through dry and parched land
and go where I send it.
It shall set free all that shall drink from that
Drink from my river.
Drink from my well.
I am flowing like a mighty river.
The Lord is beginning to do a stirring amongst
His people.
My bride is beginning to revive.
I am shedding light into her darkness
and her eyes are beginning to open.
She is beginning to arise.
Soon her eyes shall touch mine
and she shall see into my heart and as she sees
into my heart, she shall leap up and jump
for joy.
All that is in my bride shall awaken
and there shall be joy in my Kingdom.
Those that have been alone shall come together
as one. They shall come and be one as me and
my Father are one.
My bride shall do only what I show her to do and
I shall teach her how to dance in my Kingdom and
to take the joy of the Lord which is her strength
and she shall come to Zion and everlasting joy
shall be hers.
She shall move at my voice and come at my
She shall come at the very whisper of my voice for
she will know my voice and run after me.
She shall bring others in and they shall run also
and they shall run and have a goal and that shall
be the Throne room of her King and as she comes
into the Throne room she shall lay her request
before me and as Esther laid out her request to her
King so I shall answer the desires of my bride.
She is wise and will ask according to my Word and
it shall be done by me.
I shall take you and use you as one that stands
and calls out and bids all to come unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb.
You shall bid them to come and they shall come
From each Nation they shall come unto me.
The small and the great shall come and I shall call
them and talk to them from many kindreds and
many tribes.
They shall come into the palace of their King.
They shall come and they shall live there even on
this earth says the Lord.
They shall know what it is to live in the Kingdom
for I am building my Kingdom and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it.
My Kingdom is one that shall last forever and ever.
Of it there shall be no end.
My Kingdom is coming now inside your hearts and
you are beginning to taste Kingdom food.
It is good food, too rich to be kept but to be given
out unto those that need me.
For Kingdom living is for the rich in the Lord their
You can be poor in the natural and yet learn to live
in my Kingdom.
My Kingdom will change you for you cannot live with
your King and not be changed, but as you live in the
palace in the presence of the King you shall take
on his attributes and be like Him.
You shall know my ways as you live in the Kingdom
and in the palace of your King.
You shall go out from there and do battle as Esther
battled for her people and saved them, so from my
Kingdom you too shall do battle but you shall do
battle and win.
You will win when you battle with Kingdom
perspective. As she battled she did not reveal to
the enemy all but kept it secret until the right
time and only then did she reveal her plan.
Till then she only revealed it to the most trusted.
When the time came she laid the axe to
the root and the root of the enemy that was
coming against Gods people was cut off.
Learn to wage this war wisely as Esther did.
She fought for her very existence.
She battled, fasted and called on her God and
did what
was right in my sight and she feared me,
more than she feared death and because she
feared me, she fought for me and won.
The enemy was hung on the gallows. Your
enemy the devil shall also have his plans
thwarted as you battle like Esther with
a sweet and quiet spirit yet one that was
ready and able to conquer at the right time.
Do not mistake quietness for weakness but
know that I am a still small voice that does
speak to my servants.
I made Esther Queen because she had all
the Christ like qualities that I am bringing
forth in my bride. She was altogether lovely
on the inside.
She was pure and holy before me and I
honored her faith.
She went even where she did not desire to
go for she was sent for such a time as this.
Such are some of you. Some of you I will
send. I will send you into situations that
at times are not lovely and you will go at
times as it to the slaughter but in that
time, says the Lord you will be at your
very best for my Spirit shall arise in
you and all that I have vested in you
shall arise and in that day and that hour
you shall have the words to speak.
You shall testify of me before the
multitudes, and before Kings you shall
testify of me. You shall speak before
governors even in your nation and before
the leaders throughout your land.
I will take you into high places. I shall
take you into places where you shall
speak to those in authority and you
shall have my authority and speak as
one with authority as Ester did.
Think not that I cannot use a woman.
I can use a woman and can and I use
man and I will continue to use my bride
to speak the right word at the right time.
It is a word in season that must be spoken.
It is my Word that must be spoken with
power even to the ungodly you will speak
my words. My words may be resisted
but they shall be spoken and there will be
those that will receive my words even in the
highest government throughout the land.
I will take my words and I will put them
in your mouth and they shall be as a two
edged sword, sharp and the word for the
occasion. They shall be Godly counsel
even to those that in this hour are inwardly
baffled and do not know what to do.
It is in this hour that my bride shall arise
and have her finest hour before even the
leaders and she shall also touch the least
of these and be sent unto the Nations.
Many Nations of the world will receive
my bride and I shall open doors that no
man can shut and shut doors that no man
shall open for I am the Lord.
Hear me for my Word is from this day
forth going to perform what I have said
it will do for I will perform wonderful
and miraculous things that the world will
not be able to resist.
They shall see the healing and they shall
behold my my works and who can speak
against the works of the Lord and stand.
Who can stand against my awesome power.
I am great. I am mighty. I am the Lord.
I stand it is in standing before me that
they shall either stand or fall.
I am the only Judge and I shall judge
the Nations and my people shall be used
in judging of the Nations.
How is it then that you cannot judge in
the smallest matters. Know not that in
the life to come you shall be used to judge.
Learn to divide my Word rightly
and learn to speak forth my Words.
My bride you must begin to arise. I say
to you arise, get up on your feet.
Get the sleep our of your eyes.
Come out of your slumber for you have
slept too long.
Get up on your feet and begin to dance
before me.
Bring before me the high praises of you
God. O Daughter of Zion arise and begin
to dance before your King. Dance before
me and sing unto me a new song.
That new song shall bring life into you as it
shall be a call of praises and a call of war.
War and worship go together my children.
Learn to worship me with high praises.
The high praises will bring the hand of God
into your lives. Sing my praises and worship
me even as you read my Word. Find me
there and worship me.
I worshiped and you are called to worship
me for all true worshipers will worship me
in spirit and truth.
Worship me. My bride worship me for I
am worthy of your worship.