Prophecy-The Spirit of Intercession
by Patricia Hamel
I am calling you forth as one who will stand in the gap for many.
You shall stand in their place and pray and call upon me for mercy.
You shall stand and call upon me for their transgressions and I shall
Call upon My name.
Intercede for those that I lay upon your heart.
As you are obedient to the spirit of intercession I will increase that
burden and you shall be as one that shall travail, says the Lord,
even for your Nation.
Call upon me and do not doubt that I hear you for I hear you when
you call upon Me and am quick to answer the call of a broken and
contrite heart.
You have a broken and contrite heart and this is a heart that I do
not despise.
You have a heart that is open to the moving of My Spirit and you
have a heart that is open to worship, says the Lord.
You love to worship and praise My name.
It gives you great pleasure to worship My name.
As you worship Me, even in that intimacy with Me I shall lift you
into heavenly places with Me.
You shall be lifted up and soar as the eagles sore as you worship
My holy name.
I am holy and you are aware of my holiness.
This sets you apart from many.
You are aware of my holy Name and
you are also quick to repent of your sins.
Though they are as scarlet, they are made white as snow.
Call upon Me, go into your prayer closet and call upon Me for
your loved ones, your neighbors and friends.
The spirit of intercession is coming upon you and you are aware
of this.
Yield to the spirit of intercession within and go with My flow and
your walk with me will deepen even further as you go into the
prayer closet and intercede with Me.
I will fellowship with you in the prayer closet.
Worship Me and praise Me for whom I am.
Worship and magnify Me for I am with you.
The enemy shall not have opportunity for as you seek me, I
shall rebuke the devourer for your sake and I shall raise you up
even further in My Kingdom.
You shall be known as one that stands in the gap.
It is a silent place and a place of humility and holiness but I am
preparing your heart for this service to Me.
You are being prepared for deep intercession. I am breaking
your heart continually for my purposes.
You cry for My purposes, and I see a heart that is tender.
Your tender heart can get you hurt but you are willing to take
that place.
Many are not.
I see your heart and your desire to walk perfectly before Me.
I will honor you and I will sustain you in the difficult times for in
honoring me, I will honor you, says the Lord.
Do not be discouraged with your circumstances, for I am here.
I will never forsake you and never leave you.
You are mine.
Be of good courage and I shall strengthen your heart.
I will pour in My fresh oil into your wounds and bind them up
and heal them.
You are mine and I bind up the brokenhearted.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
I have given you a heart that is tempered with mercy.
Thank Me for a heart that is merciful.
Many will see this as you walk closely with Me and continue to
reach out in love and mercy.
Look only to Me and only put your trust in the one you love.
I Jesus am the author and the finisher of your faith.
Ask me for a deeper spirit of intercession and I will give you
your hearts desire.
I will give you my heart for My people and I will be your
buckler and shield.
Trust in Me.
I am faithful and will never leave you or forsake you.
Again I say, you are mine.
Put your trust in Me.
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
Let the spirit of intercession arise again and I shall fill you
with faith filled words that shall touch My heart, says the Lord.
Ask and you shall receive the wisdom to stand in the gap for
You are willing to pay the price, and as you are, I shall use
Again I say, be of good courage and I will strengthen your
heart as an intercessor in the Kingdom of God.
I will lay burdens upon your heart that are heavy to carry but
as you are willing, I will bring increase in ministry to Me.
Increase will be your reward and you shall have the reward of
souls that will come to me.
Intercede and they shall come.