I would have you to know my voice.
You need to know the voice of the Lord your God.
My sheep know my voice.
I would have you to call upon me to teach you
the leading and guiding of my Spirit says the Lord.
I will teach you the leading of my Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of God and the Word of God
will always agree.
There are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost,
these three agree in one.
Look for the agreement of my Spirit and
the moving of my Spirit which will always
line up with the Word of God.
My Word will always speak and it shall not
come back void.
Where I send my Word it shall speak.
It will speak with great strength and power
wherever I send it.
I send my Word in you.
You are carrying My Word within your hearts
and are carrying it for purpose, to a
lost and dying world.
Will you take my Word and carry it to My
people and to those that I send you.
I would send you. Those of you that are
willing to go, I will send.
Look unto me. Do not just jump into
situations but look for the leading and the
guiding of my Spirit.
My Spirit is capable of guiding you.
You have come this far by faith.
Do you now think that you are capable
of guiding yourselves.
Think not that you can do my work, for
you can only do it as I do it in you.
Without me you can do nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Church, think not that you can proceed in
this day and hour without your marching
orders. You must learn to wait upon me.
Wait on me.
Wait on my commands.
I will give you those directions as you wait
upon me. The voice of my Spirit will always
guide you.
It shall lead and guide you into all truth.
I, Jesus am the way, the truth and the life
and no man can come unto the Father but
by me. I alone give life. I alone can
extend life through you to another.
I am the giver of life. I am the giver of
Eternal Life. That life is in me Jesus Christ.
I am the great burden bearer that gave my
life for you.
I will continue to bear your burdens as you
bring them unto me.
You must bring them to me.
How can I carry your burdens to my Father
and intercede for you if you do not bring all
of your burdens to me.
Bring all of your cares, no matter how small
to me. I alone can carry those burdens
and intercede for you. I will use others to
intercede for you but you must bring those
burdens to me for me to lay them upon the
hearts of those that will intercede for you.
Bring those heavy loads to me.
I love it when my children know that they
need to bring their burdens to me.
Why do you carry them when I am here for
It is for this that I died and rose again, to
give you life and that life more abundantly.
Do you want that abundant life with the
Spirit of God flowing freely in you.
Then bring your burdens to me.
I will set you free from the bondages that
you are in. I came to free my people from
the yoke of bondage. Many of my children
are bound but I would set you free my
children. I would set you free and open up
your prison doors as you call upon me.
Recognize that I am talking to you and
recognize that I so desire to do a work in
your life.
Recognize my Word as that ultimate authority.
The Word of God is your ultimate authority.
There are many voices today but my voice
and my word are in total agreement.
At times you will hear something even in the
prophetic realm. Test all things. At times
it is truth that you have not yet learned and
you must be open to the fact that you are
being led into all truth.
Not one of you have all truth.
I alone am all truth. I am truth and I am life.
Learn to hear the truth that threads itself
through my Word and follow truth. You
will see it as it flows throughout my Word.
Hunger for truth, seek truth and pursue it.
Again, I am the way, the truth and the life.
That life is in me the Son, Jesus Christ.
I am the only truth.
The only door, the only way of salvation.
Present that simple message. Do not forget
the message of my Word.
It is the message of the Cross. I died on the
cross for your sin and on the third day I rose
and ascended unto my Father.
I presented my blood to my Father and it
was accepted as the only atonement for
mans sin. It was a blood sacrifice as a
blood sacrifice was the only atonement. I
paid the price atoning with my precious
Many have been removed from this simple
message of the gospel. Return to the
simplicity that is in my Word.
Man complicates my Word. My Word is a
simple message that will save souls.
Take that message and share it where ever
you go. I will lead you a step at a time. I will
lead you to where I would have you to go.
Will you allow me to lead you for I would
lead you.
Then your life will become effective.
He who wins souls is wise.
Allow me to use you to win souls.
The time is short.
The time needs to be redeemed for the day
is evil.
Redeem your time with me.
Use your time wisely.
Many waste their time on unnecessary and often
foolish things.
I would have you to be like the wise virgins
who had their lamps trimmed and burning
brightly, waiting for their bridegroom.
Behold I am coming quickly
and am coming back for a bride
that has her lamp trimmed and ready.
Be ready for I come in such an hour as you
think not.
Be ready for I Jesus will return and I will
return quickly.
Be ready for my appearing.