
Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Consuming Love

My grace is sufficient for you beloved
for My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
My child when you are weak then your strength comes
from Me and I get the glory.

In yourself you will always be weak.
It is only in Me that you can do all things beloved.
You can do all things through Christ.
I am your strength and I am your life beloved.

Know that I alone am your strength.
Do not look at yourself for you shall truly fail.
Look unto Me for I am your help and strength in this
time of trouble.

In this world you will have tribulation but be of good
cheer for I overcame the world.
You too shall be an overcomer and walk with Me
in white.
You shall walk with Me in robes of white.

You are walking in purity and holiness before Me and
I shall continue to do a work in you until you are totally
consumed by My love.
My love is an all consuming fire.

Allow Me to consume you, beloved.
Allow Me to take you and love you, into total change,
into My image.

I am working and I am drawing you closer and closer to
the fire of My love and the struggle that is going on shall
soon cease.

You shall surrender all that you hold dear as you behold
more and more of My love.
Beloved, I love you with an everlasting love.
Behold My love, for I died for you, My love.

I died for you that you might live and breath Me.
I died for you that you might know My love and live for
it alone.
Live for My love alone.