
Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Name is Above All Names

My children,
Come unto me while I am calling you.
I am calling you to come unto me while
I can be found.
My Spirit is drawing you unto myself.

I would find great pleasure in spending
time with you.
Why my children do you delay?
Why do you not come unto me?

I am calling you today.
Will you answer me today my children?
I knock at the door of your heart often and
Want to come and spend time with you,
yet you are so busy about so many other things.

Why are my children busy about so much
that is not of me?
Why do my children not desire me more?
I desire you.
I long for your presence.
Long for mine.

Take a look at me through the Word
and see my beauty and my grace
and you will desire me.

You are often too busy and too tired to
spend time with me, neglecting the things
that are needful for you to grow into my image.

I am drawing you.
Come unto me while I may be found.
Will you come unto me today for today is the
day of your visitation.
Today is the day I am knocking and saying
"Do not harden your hearts against the voice
of my Spirit".

My Spirit often knocks, but will not keep knocking
if my children keep pushing me away.
I feel my children.
I know your love or lack of love for me.
I would rather that you be cold than lukewarm.

Will you allow a fire to burn in your heart for me?
Will you come back to your first love.
Remember me Jesus, your first love,
when you could hardly wait to come into my
It is so different now for you have allowed our
relationship to become dry and hardened.

The deceitfulness of sin hardens our relationship
because I cannot look upon sin, for I am holy.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
I am holy. I am holy. I am holy.
It takes holiness on your part to be able to come
into my presence and have deep fellowship.

Be ye holy.
Allow me to cleanse you my children and bring
you into a new walk of holiness with me.
I would shine in your life and you would touch
the lives of others.

As you allow my holiness to work in your life,
allow it to penetrate into your inner most being.
Let me touch you.
Let me cleanse you.
Let me bear your burdens.

Allow me to clean you from the inside.
I would go to the depths of your heart and
clean you from the depths of your sin.
Sin separates. Allowing me to clean you will
bring new life. New abundance.
New power.
New power will come to those that wait on me.

Waiting is not easy.
It is never easy unless you truly love the one
that you are waiting for.
Do you truly love me?
Then come and wait on me.
Wait on me and you shall find me, when you
wait before me, either in worship and praise
or in quietness.

Wait and I shall come.
You shall have the divine visitation you have
waited for.
It comes to those that will wait upon me.

You say, " I have waited".
Wait a little longer and see if you do not find me.
You will find me my Beloved when you seek
after me with your whole heart.

Does your heart pound at the thought of me?
It should if your heart is fervent.
Allow me to again stir you that your heart
might beat for me alone.

I am calling forth those that will bear my name
and all that my name means.
My name means much.
The world has made it to mean little.
My name is a name that is either loved or despised.

You cannot have it both ways. Either you bear my
name or you bear the name of the world.
My name is the name above all names, in
heaven or in the earth.
My name is a name that is full of power.
It has in it all the power of the Godhead.
My name is mighty in battle and in using it you
will win battles.
My name is victorious over all power of the enemy.

The enemy will flee when you use my name
with authority.
Take my name, the name of Jesus and use it to
defeat the enemy.
People are healed in my name.
It is the most powerful name that you shall ever know.

It is time that you use my name as if you bear my name.
You are called by my name.
You are my children.
Take my name and you shall see victory.

As you increase in authority you shall see greater
victories in using my name.
Study my Word and see what my disciples did in my

You are my disciples if you obey me.
You can do as they did and cast out the devils,
raise the dead and do great exploits in my name.

This should be the normal thing in your Christian
Instead it has been left aside by my church.
My church has left my power aside and settled for
so much less than I have for her.

The power in the name of Jesus has been left aside
and my church expects to have power without
sitting at the feet of Jesus who holds all power,
who is all authority and who is the only one that
brings victory.

How can you be victorious without power.
Without me, there is no victory.
Without me you can do nothing. Like it or not my
children, there is a price to pay for those that will
serve me in power.
The price is sacrifice.
I sacrificed all.
You will need to decide the price you are willing to
pay to have my power in your life.

My power does not come cheaply. It cost me all.
It will cost you all. Take up your cross and follow me.
Get ready to take up your cross and follow me.
I will lead you. Fear not.
I shall guide your goings as you follow me.

I am looking for obedience. I am looking for faithfulness.
I am looking for those that will yield to my Spirit and say
yes Lord, yes, I am willing to follow you.
Will you take up your cross and follow me?

Follow me and you shall have others take up their cross
and follow also. It is time now to take up your cross and
follow me. The hour is late and the time has come.
The time is here. You must make the decision.

There are multitudes in the valley of decision.
Make a wise decision and decide to follow me and forsake
all else.
The time has come that it will cost you to follow Jesus.

I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I will build
your faith as you follow. I will build you up and take the
brokenness of your life and be the divine repairer.

I am the repairer of the breach. I mend what the enemy
has broken down. I am the repairer of the breach.
Oh that you would allow me to repair and to build that
wall again. That you might sit upon that wall and be a
watchman for others. I would have you to come for
repair in your lives that you may be watchmen for others.
I am calling watchmen from all walks. Calling them.
Calling them. Many are responding. Many are still asleep.
Many fall asleep on their watch. I am calling watchmen
to watch over Israel, to watch over the United States of
America and all the nations of the world.
I would raise up watchmen to watch over the borders
between Canada and the United States. I would call forth
watchmen to watch over the governments of nations and
over the affairs of nations. I would call forth watchmen
to watch over the lives of presidents, and over the lives
of people in authority and especially over the lives of the

I am calling forth watchers from all walks of life that will take
up the authority I have given them and have them walk
in that authority. Walk in it. You will have greater authority
as you walk where I have called you. Walk where I have
called you and be faithful unto death and I will increase
your authority and as you pass the test your authority will
be increased.

I would have you to watch over the apple of my eye Israel.
I have watchmen who watch over her night and day and I
am calling forth watchers to watch even over the nation of
Canada and I am calling you forth to bear one another's
burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. My law is fulfilled as
you love one another and carry the sword of the Spirit and
defend one another. I would form divine alliances between
nations and am even now doing so in the spirit realm. I
would form divine alliances that would hold and would fight
together against the enemy.

The devil hates the unity of the Spirit. I am a God of unity.
I am a God that is seeking a peace loving people, one that
will stand in the gap and stand for peace and integrity
throughout the land. Will you be one of those that will
stand in the integrity of your heart and stand for righteousness
in this hour, for the hour is dark and is getting darker as
each hour passes. The time is right for the enemy to try
and invade freedoms. You have the choice to allow that
or to stand in the gap and move to keep the freedoms you
have fought for. They are being removed from under your
very noses and my children do not bat an eye for the most
part, they continue to go about their daily lives oblivious
to the moving of my Spirit. I am speaking this day and
saying to you that it is time to arise for such a time as this
and to take your place in the Body of Christ and be what I
have called you to be. If you are called to be an arm, be
an arm. If you are called to be an eye, be one.
If you are an ear, then open your ears and hear.

I the Lord your God am speaking to my people and saying
to you arise and I will give you light. Arise, shine and I
shall give you the light and you shall walk in the light and
in the power of the Lord your God for I call and I keep
calling and it is now time. I am calling my bride to arise and
I will shed light upon all your endeavors. I am the God
that will be all that you need in this hour, so arise, my
Bride, arise and shine for this shall be your finest hour. This
shall be an hour when you shall glorify me and they shall
know that I am the Lord. They shall know from the least
to the greatest that I am the Lord. I am the Lord and I have
spoken to my people.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I am the Lord and I have
spoken. Hear me.