My beloved children, know that I am with you
always. I will never leave or forsake you.
Many of you are going through difficult
circumstances, but know that I am always with
Precious ones, I am your Father. I am your
Heavenly Father and My eye is always upon
you and I am always watching over you. I
would perform My wonders in your life. Allow
Me to reach out and comfort you. I am your
shelter in the storms of life. I am with you in
sickness as I am with you in health. I am your
Father. I love you with an everlasting love. My
love is not earthly but Divine. It flows into
every one that will receive. Receive My love
today. Receive My forgiveness today.
Know that My arms are wide open for you to
run into and that you were with me that day
when I died on the cross for you. I rose again
for you and went and sat down at the right
hand of My Father and am making
intercession right now for you. You are mine,
says the Lord.
Do not receive the lie of the enemy in times
of sickness that you have failed Me beyond
help and that you do not belong to Me. The
enemy tells this to each one of My children
at times but know that you do indeed
belong to Me. I would be the God of all
comfort. I would lift up your heart. I would
pour in the oil of gladness.I would have you
put on joy instead of mourning. Know that
your life is just beginning and that I am and
forever will be with you. I am the glory and
the lifter of your head. Precious one lift up
your eyes today for your help is in Me alone.
I shall lead you where you are going and
will not leave you alone. Put your hand in
my hand, says the Lord.
Allow My comfort to comfort you. I will take
you into my arms and hide you under My
wing. Pray to Me and whisper My name
softly and I will hear. I know your every
thought. I know your deepest desire.
I know your love for Me. I see the work
you do for Me. I see the burdens you carry
but would have you to turn all over to Me.
I would carry them. Allow Me to be your
burden bearer today.
I will lift you up. Rest today in My strong
right arm. Rest in Me. It was finished before
the foundation of the world. Cease all
striving and struggling. Rest in Me. I will
do all. I will be all. I am the all sufficient
one. I am your glory. Allow My glory to
fill you. I will yet overflow in your life.
Reach out and call My name. I see your
circumstances and will be Lord of them.
I see the tribulation and I overcame
tribulation. In this world you have
tribulation but be of good cheer for I
overcame the world. I walked as an
overcomer. You are an overcomer.
Walk and you shall know the victory
that overcame the world. Your faith
will help you to overcome. Allow it to
arise in you. Allow the Word in your
heart to come back to your
remembrance. I will bring back all
that I have spoken to you. I will speak
to you this day in your heart. Know
My still small voice. I am speaking.
Even now I am speaking. I am letting
you know that I am with you always
even unto the end. I am your shepherd
and you shall not want. No good thing
will I uphold from you as you walk
I will lead you even through the valley
of the shadow of death. Death for My
children is but a shadow and when My
children sleep they come home to Me.
Trust Me this day to be all and do all
in you. I am with you always.