
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prophesy, Prophesy, Prophesy

Stir up the gift that is in you.
Children stir up the gift that is within you.
I would not have your gifts to lay dormant.
Stir them up.
Speak the Word of the Lord.
I would have you to arise and speak My Words.
Speak to the people.
Speak to the church.
Speak for it is not time to keep silent.
Speak My Words in love.
Tell men everywhere it is time to repent and do
their first works.
It is time that those that bear My name arise and
speak the Word of God.
It is time. It is time. It is time.
Declare the truth in My Word.
Declare that there is one way that man may
be saved.
Declare that I died on the cross and rose again
that man might have life.
Speak the salvation message and share the good
news of the Kingdom. Preach My Kingdom.
I am coming soon.
I am coming soon.
I am coming and will do a short work in the earth.
Declare My Word while there is time.
Declare My Word while you have time.
Declare the Word of the Lord to men everywhere
for I am not willing that any should perish but that
all should come to the truth.
I Jesus am the truth and the life and there is no other
way where man may be saved.
Preach My Word in truth and love.
I will draw men to myself.
One will sow. One will water. I will give the increase.
Do not keep silent but speak, declare and decree
the Word of the Lord.