
Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Quick Work

I will do a quick work in the earth,
I will do a quick work amongst my people.
For my people I will do a new thing and a quick
thing in the earth.
Be ye ready my people, for when I shall move I shall
move quickly as a thief in the night.
I am moving upon those that are ready for the
move of my Spirit.
For my Spirit will not always strive with man.
I am dealing with many hearts.
I am dealing with the hearts of my people.
For many hearts are hardened
And I would work in and soften even the
very hardest of hearts.
Yea, I would touch you in the area of your
heart that has become hardened by the
deceitfulness of sin.
I would set men free from their sin to
serve me Jesus, in fullness and in freedom.

Will you allow me to touch the areas of your life
That I would touch to make you whole.
I would touch you and set you free.
I would take the lid off and I would move.
I am ready to move even now and I am shaking
All that can be shaken. I am shaking you and I
am shaking all brothers and sisters.
I am shaking the eldest saints of God
And I am shaking even the new born ones.
For the time has come,
The time has come,
That I am calling you to new levels in me.

I am not having you stay at the same level
but I would move you to a new level.
A level that would bring exhortation to the
body of Christ.

A level that would reveal the working of the
enemy in my church.

I am calling you to a new level.

Will you move to that new level and would you
put your trust in me.
I am saying unto my beloved church that I am
calling her to new levels. Each one is at a
different level but I am calling you all to a new

Come and come quickly to where I have called
Come take your position in my Body in my army
For I am aligning my army for the fight.

I am aligning my army for the battle.
Join in the battle warriors for war. It shall be
an all out war against the powers of darkness
and you are going to need to stand in the
place I have called you to stand.
You will need to stand in my Word.
You shall need to stand in my power.
You shall need to take the Sword of my Spirit
church and wield the Sword. Wield it in
such a way that ye shall decapitate the
head of the enemy.

You shall take out the enemy in the heavenlies.
As you come together in corporate worship
and prepare for war.
Prepare for war against the enemy in the

There are spirits over your neighborhoods,
over your towns, and over cities and over
your regions and they need to be removed
and taken out of commission.

Band together my children to fight this battle.
Raise up a standard my mighty warriors.
Raise up a standard against the filth the
enemy has thrown at the church and raise
up the standard quickly.

There is no time to be spending with one foot
in the world and one foot in my church
for I will no longer tolerate it. There shall be
a dividing line between the works of darkness
and the light.
The dividing line is already beginning to be seen.
It shall be seen in even a greater way.
Do not fear the battle church.
For you were called for such a time as this,
As I called Esther,
So I am calling you my beloved to enter into
the throne room of your King and present your
case in my court of law.
For my court is a court of justice and I would
have you come forth and plead your case.
Stand and plead your case and stand in the
gap for many.

There are many that are found wanting and I
am calling my bride to stand in the gap
not fearing for herself,
As Esther did not fear
But came in boldly in unto her King,
So I am saying unto you come boldly in
unto me.

I shall hear your case. I am making intercession
for you and for my body.

Come before me and plead your case for mercy
for mercy shall rise against judgment
as you plead your case before me.
I bid you come unto me and plead your case
for I will withhold judgment in many areas as
you intercede and plead you case. There are
many instances where you may turn the tide
in favor of mercy.
I am merciful, I am loving, I am a loving God and
It has never been my desire to pour out my
It is the sin of man that is causing me to arise in
judgment as I am a holy and a righteous God
and I cannot look upon sin.

I have been looking upon it for a very long time.
Too long and my patience is coming to and end where
I must move and cleanse the land and begin to
do a new work.
The new cannot begin unless the old is removed.
The stained and tainted with sin have no part
in my Kingdom for my Kingdom is a kingdom is a
Kingdom of holiness. My Kingdom is a kingdom
where there is no sin. My kingdom is for the pure in
heart and unless there is purity of heart no man
shall see me.
Do not be concerned about the others at this point
Be concerned about your life and what you can do
to change the spiritual climate of your nation.
Be concerned and ask me what can I do and I will
tell you.
For too long my children, my sons and daughters
and my prophets have even looked from one to the
other and compared. Now I say compare yourself
to me and my Word, look not to the left or to the
right but look at me. Look unto me and see if I do
not do a new work and bring a new wineskin.
Shake off the old, look not at the old, look at the new
I will bring about a quick work. Pray for my people,
my beloved Israel and all Israel that is of Israel.
Pray for peace, pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Align yourself with my people for they are your
people and surely as you align yourself with them
you shall be blessed.

For I am looking at nations.
And I am seeing the sheep nations and the goat
And there will soon be a dividing line that is clear.
Clear to all that will see.
See clearly.
Judge righteous judgment.
Choose to align yourself with my people.
The descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Align yourself with them
For in this you will find blessing and protection.
The nations that choose against my people
Choose against the apple of my eye
And are aligning themselves against me.
Align yourselves with me and live.
I am the Lord. I am God Almighty and you
must Choose this day whom you will serve.
Will you serve me.