Beloved, I would have you to know the value of a soul.
The soul of a man is so precious to Me.
Beloved of mine, you are so precious to Me.
I am with you and I will never forsake or leave you.
I am there for you and will stand by you.
Know that I am standing there with you even through the difficult
times, even during the hard times and those times that seem impossible.
I am with you.
Look to Me, My beloved.
Look to Me for I will never forsake or leave you.
Look for the silver lining in each cloud that you see for I the Lord your God
am the silver lining.
My Word fills each cloud that comes your way and it cannot rain on you
except I first permit it.
It rains on the just and the unjust.
All that you are going through My beloved must first pass through Me.
There is not one bird that falls from the sky unless I permit it.
Not one soul passes from this earth unless I allow it.
There is a time in the believer's life that they are called home to be with Me.
This is My plan.
Man lives but for three score and ten and if by reason of strength fourscore
and it is but a short time in the earth but man lives in eternity, forever.
Doubt not that my plans are being fulfilled as you put your trust in Me.
I am there and will never forsake you.
I am in control and when things seem to be swaying this way and back
know that I am keeping perfect balance.
I am stable in all My ways and you are in yours as you trust in Me.
I am calling you to a new level of trust in knowing that My ways are past finding
My ways at times are past finding out.
I am with you and will never forsake My children though they will go through
much tribulation.
It is through much tribulation that you will enter My Kingdom.
Enter into the joy of your salvation beloved.
Know that all things are in My hands even the number of your days on this earth
and not one can fall without My Father's knowing it.
Beloved, there is place of total trust and total yieldness to My Spirit and I am
asking that of you at this moment.
Total trust beloved of mine that you might walk by going ahead in faith in the Son.
Total trust that I do all things well.
Total trust that I am in control.
Total trust that I am your Father and that I Father am your Father forever.
Forever beloved you are mine and I would encourage you in knowing this.
Beyond a shadow of doubt I am working and dealing with your life.
In ways that you cannot now in your grief begin to comprehend.
Know this. I am God and there is none like Me.
I give and I take away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
Trust beloved.
New trust for each new day is what I am asking of you.
New trust to see the bright and shining sun.
New trust to see Me in the snow flakes as they fall from the sky.
New trust as you see the dew.
New trust as you enter into the joy of your salvation and new trust as you see
fresh manna daily in My Word.
New trust as you taste and chew new meat in My Word.
Beloved I am asking my children to place new trust in Me.
This Word is for all of mine beloved for all can partake of some part of this Word
and I am speaking to you and to all of My children.
New trust.
New trust. New level. New victory.
I am the same yesterday, today and forever and I bring all things new into your life
No staleness but new and fresh daily is the Word that I am giving you.
I am creating a new freshness daily in the lives of My children and I am giving you
fresh manna daily and you will taste and see that it is good.
Oh beloved taste and see that it is good and that I the Lord am performing My
wonders in the heavens above and in the earth beneath.
I am performing My wonders.
I send my joy on angels wings.
I send My joy through My Son as an arrow that pierces your heart and makes it sing.
I am sending the joy of your salvation into your heart and soul this day and My joy
shall sustain you in this hour.
My joy and My peace are the fruit of My Spirit and I am giving you fresh joy, peace
and calm in the storm.
You see beloved what the enemy means for evil I turn for good and know that I the
Lord your God will have the last say, for I am the Lord.
Beloved of mine know that I the Lord your God will bring increase and out of suffering
will come great joy.Beloved of mine, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes
in the morning.
Wake in the morning and know My joy. It is a joy that you must all guard and see that
no man takes it from you.
Weeping is but for a night but the joy of the Lord comes and His mercies are new every
Seek Me, My beloved in a new way.
Look unto Me and know that I am God and I say that there is none like Me.
Beloved, see My hand in all things.
See My heart in all things.
Seek Me in all things beloved and know that I your beloved am in control of all the things
that seem out of place.
Like the pieces of a puzzle beloved, they shall fit into place in the right time and season
of your life.
I am asking one thing of all My children and that is to trust in Me with all your heart, soul,
mind and strength and know that you are mine.