You have come this far by faith in me.
I will honor your faith.
Believe me for greatness and I will make
you great in my Kingdom.
I will also make you least.
I honor faith.
I call you to serve me where you are in my Kingdom.
Take your place and serve me,
A life of service to your King.
I have raised you up for greatness
and am raising up others to walk in greatness.
They will see your example and follow Christ in you.
They will do what they see you do.
Watch and point the younger ones to me.
Reveal Christ to them.
Open their eyes to my workings.
Alert them to see the enemy.
Teach the younger ones that they might become wise.
Take what you know to be truth and
Let the truth of my Word be known to them.
Do not hold back but feed them as they are able to
take the meat.
Give them milk and then the meat of my Word as
they can receive it.
The weak will be made strong.
The immature, mature and as you teach the Word,
in time they will become teachers also.
It will take time and much patience to be a teacher
of my Word.
There are not many teachers.
I need more teachers in my Kingdom.
I am calling forth now, those that are called to
Ministry to wait on their ministering that when I
tell them to launch out they will.
Children need to learn how to launch into the depth
of my Word and handle the Word of Life
with skill and power.
They need to be taught to wield the Sword of the
Word and how to use it to bring life and defeat to
the enemy.
Arise and teach those that the Lord has given you.
If it is one, teach that one.
Be faithful to that one. Did I not minister one on one?
I ministered often to the one.
Multitudes are not for all of you.
Minister where you are called.
It will not always be a long teaching.
It may be that it will be a Word sown in season to a
weary one that they are strengthened to continue
in the race.
It may be time with one, teaching them to pray by
praying with them.
Walk as light.
Be salt.
Touch the one and the one may become ten.
Start with the one.
I died for the one.
Give out what I have given you from my Word.
Pray and ask me what you are to share.
Find my heart for that one.
Find their need and minister to it.
They will learn to minister as they see what I have
done in my Word.
They need to see the Word.
Share the gold nuggets from my Word.
Transfer the wealth of my Kingdom to others
that they in turn will become strong and do
My Word will multiply and not come back void
but will go where I send it.
Send my Word. Open your mouth and send it.
Teach it to your little ones.
Let them sit at your feet.
The seed will be sown.
It will be watered in time.
They will be the ones to take my Word out and
go where you cannot go.
Often it will be you that will finance my work
to make it come to pass.
You will sow but they will go into the new
Be a blessing with what I have given you.
Many of you have excess and that excess has
been given you for the work of my Kingdom.
Sow into my work that the harvest will be
brought in.
Sow into ministries only as you have sought me.
Give because it has been given to you but do
not give emotionally.
Give because I speak and say, "give to this
Place your money in my Kingdom and for my
I will increase your ability to give as you respond
to me.
I see the small seed.
I see the widows mite.
I see the attitude in giving.
I see the heart.
Give so that others may come in and be taught
and teach others also.
Teach others about giving into my Kingdom.
Learn not to just receive as that is easy.
Learn to give to me, all.
Not just finances.
Teach the giving of time,
being good stewards of time, good stewards of
what I have blessed you with.
Teach hospitality.
Teach healing.
Teach that I perform my Word.
You have not many fathers.
Be a father to the fatherless.
Mothers reach out to the widow.
Befriend those that I lay on your heart.
Sow seeds of love and you will receive love.
You will also not be without battles
for as you come into your destiny I have
for you there will be giants along the way.
David killed the giant.
You will slay the enemy
with my Word.
Fear not to take my Word.
Fear has held many back.
Take a step at a time and build from
a sure foundation.
Check your foundation and see what you
are building upon.
Check for cracks.
Fill them with my Word.
Take my promises and stand on them.
Teach them to others and as they see your
ability to stand on them, they will do likewise.
Show no fear in the face of the enemy.
Tell me your fears and I will show you how to
defeat them.
The Sword of the Lord defeats fear.
Perfect love for me casts our fear.
Learn that I am greater than your fears.
Trust is the opposite of fear.
Bring your hearts into line with my Word.
A heart lined up with my Word is a mighty tool
in my hand and will do much for my Kingdom.
I am teaching you my children to multiply
all that I have given you.
If you prophesy, teach others how to learn to
prophesy from my Word.
If you know something, I have given it to you
for someone. Freely you have received.
Freely give.