
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Discontented Bride

My bride, know the discontentment that you feel
is good, in that I am allowing that discontentment
for my purposes.
I am allowing you to feel this so that you might
draw closer to me.

I am allowing all the stirring in your life so that
you will come and seek me.
I am returning for a bride that will seek out her
Are you seeking me?
Are you hungering for more of me?

I am stirring and allowing circumstances and
places of discontentment in your life so that you
will see your need of me.
Do you know that I love you as you are, but I am
bringing you to a level of intimacy with me where
you will never be content with anything less.

You cannot be content without more of me.
The more you taste of my presence the more
you should long for me.
I will increase your capacity for more of me.

The living water will flow out of you as you come
to me and spend time with me and are filled.
How I would that you would come unto me.
There is nothing in the world that can satisfy
the longing of your soul so do not go there to feed
but come to my Word and feed upon me.

You shall be satisfied with just a verse of my
Word more than you would be satisfied with the
whole world.
I have given you all of my Word.
You have as much of me as you desire.

I will give more of myself to you as you open up
your heart to receive more.
Open up your heart and I will pour in the fresh
oil of my Spirit.
I will pour in the oil and the wine and I will heal
your deepest hurts.

Come beloved, come unto me and open up your
heart and see if the satisfaction that you feel does
not satisfy more than anything the world has to offer.

Come unto me, give me all that you have for I have
given all of myself to you.
Come and surrender all and I will return all to you
in ways that you cannot imagine.
Come for I am calling. Come for I am here.
Come for I am the Lord and I say "come unto me".
I am calling you and saying "come and prepare for
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb".

I have gone and prepared a place for you that
where I am you may be also.
I am preparing and my preparations are nearly
complete. They are beyond you human understanding,
but know that I have prepared something for you
that you so desire.
I have prepared myself for you and am longing for
you to do likewise and make yourself ready.

I am coming for my bride and she is without spot
or wrinkle.
That is how I see you because of the blood I shed
for you, but now because of what I have done for
you will you not prepare yourself and get ready
for the coming of the Lamb.

I am coming unto you and will receive you unto
myself that where I am you may be also.
Precious ones, get ready for the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb.
Get ready.