You have been called for my purposes.
You have been called to do the work of your
Father in Heaven.
Know this, that you are called according to
my purposes.
Find out what I have called you to do and
where I have called you to function in my body.
You will find this through seeking me through my
Word and spending time with me.
I will also confirm this through the prophetic word
at times and you shall know your function in the
body of Christ.
It takes time for I do not reveal all to you at once.
It will often take years before one will know all of
their calling but know this, that as you spend time
with me, little by little I shall reveal my calling
on your life.
You are called for my purposes.
Do not fret that you do not know all now but you
will receive little by little as you grow and are able
to handle it.
Character is being formed in you and without that
character you will not be able to move in the Spirit
and do what I would have you to do without stumbling.
I can use you now but the more yielded the vessel the
greater I will use you.
Know that the greater the calling the more preparation.
If you are called to minister the Word, wait on that
There is a time of preparation for all of my children.
Training is necessary for those that will carry my
torch and carry it well.
I am training you for my purposes. I am training you
and placing you in strategic places for my purposes
and I am placing my gifts in you that will operate in
time and come to maturity.
Do not fret. Do not become embroiled in all the cares
trying to figure out what I have called you to do.
Find Me.
Place Me first and in doing so the other things shall be
revealed unto you.
I am raising up those in the body.
I am raising up those that will be faithful to me and
walk in the integrity of their heart. I am refining.
I am polishing.
I am establishing ministries.
I am shifting in the body of Christ.
I am moving about my children for my glory.
I have a strategic position for each one of you that
another cannot fill because you all differ in your
experiences and in your training.
Know this. You are all being trained for war and for
You are now being trained so that in the Kingdom to
come you will hold positions that even now you are
being prepared for.
How you succeed here and are obedient here upon
this earth will determine your reward in Heaven.
You will not loose your salvation as you stay close to
me but I am preparing those that will reign in my
Heavenly Kingdom.
I am preparing you now for positions of authority
in my Heavenly Kingdom.
Do not think that heaven is idle and that it is a
place of insignificance but know that you shall serve
me there in all splendor and glory and know that
you shall rule and reign with Me.
You must learn to rule and reign here.
You must learn to be established here upon the
earth and do my bidding and walk where you are
called as one who bears the name of the King
of King and the Lord of Lords.
I am preparing you for positions of honor and glory.
A position of servant I am calling you to serve me
here upon this earth.
Serve me.
It is not easy to serve.
I took upon myself the form of a servant.
Know that I have mentioned reigning but those that
reign here have first learned to serve.
Serve here.
Serve well.
Serve with honor and dignity and do all things as
unto Me, for I have called you.
It is not man that has called you so do what I have
called you to do with honor and dignity.
I have called you with a heavenly calling.
If you are called to pastor, serve the sheep.
If you are an apostle, serve the church you are
called to and minister to the body of Christ.
Serve them well.
In doing so you are serving Me.
If you are called to teach My Word, teach it with
all diligence, knowing that as you teach my Word
you shall have greater judgment.
You are called to be an example in My body. Be
an example.
If you are called to be an evangelist do it with a
heart for the lost and a heart for my people. Do it
uprightly, not for filthy lucre but do it for my glory
for there will be a day of recognizing says the Lord,
where you shall be rewarded according to your
If you are called to the ministry of a prophet.
Do it with great care and diligence for you have
many lives in your hands and many souls are
looking to you as examples in My church and
your responsibility is great.
It is an awesome responsibility to speak into the
lives of people.
Make sure your hearts are clean before me and
that you are following me as closely as possible
and are calling on me for direction in your own
Your lives are before me and wherever I have
called you in my body, know this, that my eyes
are going to and fro in the earth and seeing
if I find men and women of integrity.
I am moving. I am shaking all that can be shaken.
I am shaking the kingdoms of the earth and I will
soon shake ministries and they shall shake if there
is anything that can be shaken.
Judge righteous judgments.
Care for the poor.
Reach out to the needy.
I spent much time with the poor and I look for those
that will love the poor and see that they are cared for
in the church first and in the world for I would have
them brought into my Kingdom.
Finances are something that I am looking at in all
of my children and their ability to handle the wealth
of the Kingdom.
I am looking at how my children spend their finances.
Are they Kingdom minded or is their mind on the
things of the world.
I am looking to establish my Kingdom and pour my
gold into the hands of those that will be able to handle
the wealth of my kingdom and distribute it to complete
my work and bring in the harvest.
Get ready and be prepared, for the harvest is great
and there are difficult times coming for which I would
have you to prepare yourselves.
Get prepared in my Word.
Spend quality time as much as possible in fellowship
with Me, Jesus, for I am the author and the finisher
of your faith.
Come and spend time with Me and get prepared for
all that is coming for there is much to be done and
little time left.
Prepare yourself and get ready for I am doing a
quick work upon the earth.
Behold I come quickly. Be ye ready for I come in
such an hour as you think not.
Be ready for my Father only knows the day and
hour of My returning.
Be ready with oil in your lamps and see that they
are burning brightly for all the world to see.
Prepare for the day of the Lord is at hand.