My children you must seek Me in your situation. If
you do not seek Me, you will sink.
I am with you in your circumstances.
I am the only one that can uphold you.
Lo, I am with you alway even unto the end.
I am with you.
I see your tears.
I see your heartaches.
I see your heavy burdens.
I am not a hard taskmaster.
Give Me your burdens.
Give Me your cares for I care for you.
I will be Lord of your circumstances.
I am Lord of all.
Do you need My help and refreshing today?
Come unto me and I will help you.
I will uphold you with My right arm.
Rely on Me.
Trust in Me.
Build on Me, the Rock.
You are troubled.
You are concerned about so much My children.
Trust Me.
Put all trust in Me.
The world is shaky.
The world system is shaking.
I am the solid rock in the storm.
Trust Me my precious ones.
Bring all your concerns to Me.
Concerns about loved ones.
Concerns about finances.
Concern about you making it.
Bring it all to Me.
It is too overwhelming for you to try and figure
it out.
Outside are wars.
Inside is turmoil and you must bring all to Me.
I am your Father and I care so very much for you.
My love will cover you.
Come unto Me and bring all to Me.
I will abundantly pardon all your transgressions.
Rebuke all guilt, shame and condemnation of the
enemy and it shall flee.
All have come short of My glory.
I am here My precious one.
I am here for you and you will fine Me very close.
I am very close to the brokenhearted.
I see your broken heart and I would pour in my
balm and heal the deep recesses of your heart.
Allow Me to touch you.
Allow Me to bear your burdens.
Surrender all.
Surrender all.
You are righteous in Me.
Come unto Me today and trust Me to do all in you,
and through you.
Without Me you can do nothing.
Rely on My strength each step of the way.
Step by step, I will lead and guide you even unto
the end of your journey.
Put your trust in Me.
I am worthy.
I am the Lamb of God.
Fear not but put all trust in Me,
the author and finisher of your faith.
Let faith arise in your heart today.
Be of good courage and I will strengthen
your heart.
The just live by faith.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by my Word.
Read my Word today.
Fill your heart with My Word.
It will lift you up and encourage you.
It will refresh your soul and give you
fresh determination.
Keep My Word before you and in your heart
at all times.
Let my Word dwell in you richly.
Fill yourself with thoughts of Me.
Think on the Word of God.
Think on those things that are good and
pure and lovely.
Think on these things and the God of peace
will sanctify you wholly.
I am peace in the storm.
I am peace in your circumstances.
I am peace where there is no peace.
I am the peace that overcame the world.
I am the Prince of Peace.
Seek peace and pursue it.
In pursuing the peace of God you are
pursuing me.
Peace is a fruit of My Spirit.
Rest in My peace today
Knowing I do all things well and am
in control of all things.
Nothing can happen except I first allow it to
No circumstance can take place unless I permit it.
Total trust in Me will bring total peace to your
troubled hearts.
Trust in Me, the Prince of Peace.
I am the God of all comfort and will bring you peace.
Rest in Me this day beloved.
Rest in Me.