Voices are being heard from many sources and many of those voices
are mine and many are not.
How will you discern between the Truth and the false?
My sheep are to know My voice.
Knowing My voice takes time.
Time at My feet will develop in you a listening ear and an open heart
that will teach you to know My voice.
I would have you to know My voice.
Know when I am speaking.
Know when it is the Word of the Lord or another voice.
Discern between the two.
It is imperative that you know My voice as there is much deception
in this hour. It is only as you spend time with Me that you will know
Know Me Beloved.
Know Me.
Know My Word.
Know the Voice of the Lord.
My sheep know My voice and I know theirs.
Come unto Me My Beloved and spend time with Me in the Secret
Place and there you will develop an understanding of the Father.
There you will Know Me.
For if you have seen Me you have seen the Father also.
Come Beloved and spend time at My feet and do not delay but
come unto Me with an open heart and you will hear from Me.
I will speak into your heart as you come before Me willingly and
openly. You will begin to know My voice.
Do not fear but come unto Me.
Come Beloved come. I have much to say to you in this hour
and much to share with you about the things that are coming to
You need to discern the times beloved and how will you do this
if you do not spend time with Me.
I am longing for you to come unto Me and I am longing to reveal
My secrets to you.
You will know the secrets of the Most High as you spend time in
My presence.
I am revealing My secrets unto My prophets and intercessors
so that they can do My will in speaking unto my children and
interceding for the things that are on My heart.
I will speak to you as you seek Me and I will speak into your
heart and reveal Myself to you.
Beloved how do you expect to be changed into My image except
you see Me.
I see those of you that weep and cry to be changed and I see
you in your desperation.
Sit at My feet. Take that time with Me and you will be like the
One with whom you spend time.
All else will fade into insignificance and grow dim when you see
I am light and in Me there is no darkness.
My light will dispel the darkness.
You must become brighter and brighter.
I would shine through you beloved.
I am the God of your salvation.
I am Truth and Life.
I am to be all in your life.
Draw close to Me and draw deep into the well.
Thirst is lack of time in My Word.
Fellowship with Me.
Spend time with Me.
Seek Me.
Find the secret place.
Come in behind the veil.
I am waiting patiently for My Bride to awaken to her destiny.
I am seated at the right hand of My Father as are you seated
in heavenly places.
Time is short.
The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy..
Words that testify of Me are saying the same thing.
Be ready for the Son is coming in such a time as you think not
and it is the time to be ready.
Turn all over to Me.
You have much in your hearts that you are still withholding.
Break that withholding spirit that stops you from giving all to Me.
I gave you all.
Return all to Me.
Trust Me with what you give Me.
It will not return void.
Get ready beloved for as the world is changing so you need
to be changed into My image.
Light and salt are needed to bring them in.
Bring them into My Kingdom.
It is time to hear My voice and know the Word of the Lord.
Discern yourself do not always look to others to discern for My
sheep know My voice.
Beloved, know Me and you will know the voice of the Lord.