Each of you who are living in this hour have been chosen for such a time
as this.
You have been chosen for My work and you need to count it an honor to live
in the end of time.
Do not despair but count it an honor to be chosen to live in these times.
Perilous times are here but I am here with you, says the Lord. I am with
each one of My precious gems and you are mine and I have My eyes on you
as a Father watching a child. I know right where you are.
I know where you are beloved and I know your thoughts and I know all that
passes through your head.
I know the thoughts that you have toward Me and even the fears that this
hour is bringing on My own children.
All seems to be in an upheaval in your lives and you are saying "nothing seems
the same".
I am the same, yesterday, today and forever. I have not, nor will I ever change.
I am the solid rock where you need to plant your feet.
I am solid and you can lean on Me. Depend on Me. I will meet your need.
You can know the guidance of My Spirit. Come to Me often.
Come aside and know that as all else shakes you can spend time with Me and
you will not be shaken.
You would not be shaken if there was not something inside you that could be shaken.
My shaking all that is not of Me in the lives of My precious ones is bringing you
forth as gold.
You see what is coming to the top but I am seeing the changes in those of mine
that are calling out to Me. Precious change. Beautiful change.
Great changes are taking place and you are being stirred to be all you can be.
You are realizing that the things of this world are growing dim in the light
of My glory and there is nothing greater than the glory of God and it is to be
desired. Desire to be in My presence. Desire Me. Desire My Spirit.
Desire change and it will come.
Beloved of mine know that My goodness and mercy is working and it is everlasting
and I am a good and loving God.
I am good and will show myself good to those that walk with Me in faithfulness
in the hours ahead.
Do you think that I forsake My own? This is a lie of the foe. He draws your eyes
to the circumstances of this world and seeks to remove your eyes from the Lord.
Your eyes need to be turned on to Jesus the author and the finisher of your faith.
Come to the cross often. Live there. Die there. Stand there. Live your daily life
at the foot of the cross and know that as you live at the cross that there was an
empty tomb and that I rose from the dead and you are seated above and not
You belong to Me and not to the foe. You are mine.
Discouragement is hitting many but I say to you "arise and know that I am who
I say I am". I am the Lord. I am Truth and Life. I am and you are more than a
I am the all sufficient one and your strength in weakness. You are weak but I am
strong. You are despised because of Me but know this. The day is coming, says
the Lord when I shall avenge My elect and then in that day they shall know that
I am indeed Lord.
I am indeed Lord. I am indeed Holy. I am indeed God. I am indeed who I say
I am. I am the Word of God.
Know that My wonders will be performed in the earth and that I shake and the thunder
and lightening and all else that moves, moves because of Me. The sun and the stars
and the moon will shake because I am God.
I am righteous and I am the judge of all the earth. Shall the judge of the whole earth
not do right. Shall I not do according to the principles of My Word. Shall I not
act according to My Word. Shall I not avenge the elect. Shall I not move on behalf
of those that have called out to Me in prayer and intercession. Shall I not move after
they have fasted and prayed and called out to Me. Shall I not answer their prayers
and intercession. Shall I not hear the prayers of the Beloved for Israel. Shall I not
hear the cry for My people. I shall. I shall. I hear the crys that come up before My
throne day and night and I hear the crys of the martyrs that have given their lives for
My name and they have not denied My name but have held true to their faith in Me.
They shall be avenged and surely I shall come quickly and do a quick work on the earth.
As I come they shall know that I am He that raises the dead and is the judge of the
earth. Those that love Me and have kept My Word will be raised to Eternal Life and
those that have not kept My Word and honored My name shall not enter into the
Kingdom of God. The unrighteous and the unholy shall not enter in but those that have
white raiment washed in the Blood of the Lamb shall enter in. There shall be no more
tears and no more sorrow for the former things shall pass away. There shall be a new
heaven and a new earth and the former things shall pass away. Look forward to this
day beloved. Long for this day. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established and that
My presence be made known for I the Lord desire to be honored and lifted up. My train
fills the temple and in the light of eternity know this. It is My light that shall shine and
there is no need of sunlight for the light of the Son is the light. Comfort one another
with these Words.
Know that the Lord of the earth does right.
Know that what is happening is for the good of man and that My judgments are just.
I say they are just and they are overdue and still I have held back in My mercy not
willing that any should perish. I say" how long do you expect Me to hold back My Word
from being established".
My judgments are good. My judgment is just. My judgment is part of the character of a
Holy God who cannot look on sin.
Long for Me to avenge the injustices and make things right.
Pray for My Kingdom to come and the will of God be done.
Fear not Beloved but pray.
The sooner all of mine pray, the sooner My Word shall be established in its fullness and
power. Know that I am all powerful. I am strong and My strong right arm is moving on
behalf of those that will cry out to Me and I will in no wise case out those that are calling
to Me for protection in this hour. Know that I will protect you and I will hide you in the
cleft of the rock from the calamity and you can hide with Me till the calamity is past.
Fear not. I say to you do not fear for you have a hiding place and that hiding place
is in Me.
Run to Me while there is time and hide with Me.
I will keep you. Trust Me. I shall protect you and keep you in the palm of My hand
and as calamities come and they will, I will cover you as I covered you in the womb.
I shall protect you from the things to come.
Know that your life in in My hands and I shall keep those that are truly mine.
Be mine and turn your life fully to Me and bend your knee fully to Me and you shall know
immense peace as you release all to Me. Trust Me for all that is yours for you own
nothing on this earth for it is all mine as are the cattle on a thousand hills. Think not
that what you have is from your hand but it all comes from the love and mercy of God.
All you have and the abundance you have been given is from a good God. The food
you ear and the clothes you wear and the health you have and the eyes with which
you see come from and the Word of God that you have, all come from My hand.
All you have belongs to the Lord. Hold on to it lightly for it can shift in a day and I
would have all trust be in Me and not in the things I have given you to enjoy. I have
prepared things that you cannot imagine in heaven for you and you will loose nothing
by letting to of this life and know this. I will keep you until My heavenly kingdom
Trust Me. Yield to Me. You shall bear fruit as you surrender all to Me.
Beloved surrender all.