I am doing a clean sweep of all that needs to be swept clean. I am doing a cleaning in the lives of My children and cleansing them from all unrighteousness.
The unclean will not inherit the Kingdom of God for My Kingdom is for
the pure and the Holy.
The cleansing for the present does not seem enjoyable, but know that it is necessary for your good, and for the work I have called you to do.
As a broom is used to sweep in the corners and remove all of the dirt, I am removing all that is not of Me.
Hear Me as I am cleaning. I am God of the clean sweep.
I am sweeping clean and bringing about purity and holiness until
you are holy in all manner of conversation.
I am raising up voices that will speak for Me from pure, holy hearts.
I am looking for holiness in My children.
You are being called forth as holy vessels unto Me.
Holiness is perfected in My Word and in the prayer closet
in fellowship with Me.
There are no short cuts to My holiness.
Be holy for I am holy.
Time spent at My feet will bring about holy hearts that are
fit for My service.
I am sweeping across this land and the nations of the earth
and I am going to do a clean sweep.
There are many that are being swept into My Kingdom and many
more that will be swept in as you are willing to go in My name.
There are also many that sadly will be swept aside as I do
this clean sweep with My Word.
I am not willing that one should perish but that all would come
unto Me.
I am bringing forth abundance into My Kingdom, not for your glory
but for Mine and it is to be used now to build My Kingdom.
The days are short beloved and now is the time to work with all
your might and do the things that I have taught you.
You have learned well but now is the time to put into practice
what you have been shown.
Without action My Kingdom will not be built. What you
have known must be put into practice.
My work needs to be first in your heart and mind.
The work of the Lord must be your first priority.
As you do My work all else will fit into place.
I am calling you also to do a sweeping at the instruction of
My Spirit and clean and sanctify yourselves for the days are
coming that I will use only those Holy vessels set aside for Me.
My bride is holy.
You have been saved to walk in holiness before Me.
Holiness must be your priority.
Daily allow me to sweep you clean of all the debris that you
have inside and all that you pick up in your daily lives.
Sweep. Sweep. Sweep.
Hear the sound of My Spirit as I sweep throughout the land.
Hear the sound of the Spirit as I cry out.
Be clean and touch not the unclean thing.
Hear Me, says the Lord.
This clean sweep will bring glory to My name.
Hear Me and work with Me as I do this work.
Yield to Me all that is not of Me and I will do a great, mighty
and lasting work in your life.
This is an Eternal work that I am doing among those that are
willing to be turned into the Image of God.
Desire Me and I will do this work in your heart and you shall
be transformed by the renewing of your mind and I shall
be seen in your life.
Desire transformation. Desire change. Desire death to self.
Out of these will come My glory.
Let My beauty be seen in you.