Where are My people?
Where are My people that I have called to pray?
Where are those that are to be in intercession for the
Where are those that are seeking My face?
Where are they?
Busy about much that is not of Me.
My children are so busy.
Knocking, ever knocking at the door of hearts.
I am ever knocking and calling you into My
I am calling and saying "come".
Come My people into My presence
and sit awhile and fellowship with Me.
I shall tell you great and wonderful things.
I shall also tell you things to come.
The things to come are not all good.
But know that My glory shall rest upon many.
My glory shall be seen in the days ahead,
I say the days ahead because a thousand years
is as a day and a day as a thousand years.
I am calling you into the dining room of
My presence to feast on the Father's love.
I am calling you to come and let us reason
Come to Me and abide with Me.
Come to Me in the night season.
I will whisper in your ear.
Come and talk with Me and hear
My heartbeat.
Come to Me and let us flow together as
Come beloved of mine.
No longer will you stand on the sideline
for I am calling you to dance with Me.
Dance child dance and you will know My
power and the liberty that shall set you
more free than you have ever been.
Come dance in My presence and enter
into the joy of your Lord.
Dance child dance.
Sing child sing.
Rejoice child rejoice
in the presence of your King.