
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Stepping Out in Faith

I am calling my children to come up higher in their
understanding of me.
I am a God of love but I am not a permissive God.
I am calling you to walk with me in excellence.
I am calling you to walk with me in my Word.
As you walk with me in my Word you shall find me
there And it is in finding me there that you shall live.

Seek the best part like Mary. Spend time with me
sitting at my feet.
My children need to sit at my feet.
I have so much to say share with you my precious
ones. I have so much to share with you.
Often you are so very busy and busy about much
that is not of me and I am longing for you to come
to me.

Do you know the revelation of my Spirit that
awaits those that will spend time with me.
The revelation of my Spirit is for those that live
in my Word.
Dwell in my word and see if you do not find it an
oasis in a dry and thirsty land where no water is.

Look not at the world, or the things of this world
and think that you shall be satisfied, for only I
can satisfy you.
I will lead you and I will guide you by my Spirit.
Even unto death will I guide you.
I am your Father, your Lord and your God and
I will guide you by the leading of my Spirit.
Desire the leading of my Spirit, Desire to be filled
with my Spirit and I shall fill you.
I am a God that is so willing to be all that you
What you need from me I shall give unto you.

What do you truly need of me?
Is it revelation? Sit at my feet.
Is it healing? Ask in my Name.
Is it deliverance. I came to set the captives
free. Is it to be used of me to reach a lost world.

Ask me and I will take and use your life for my
glory, not for your glory but for mine, says the
Lord. Reach out in faith and expect to be used
by me. Faith can move mountains and I honor
those that will Reach out in faith. Reach out
in faith my beloved.

There is time and a season to wait and there
is a season to act on that which I have been
showing you.
Reach out in faith.
Even in being used in the gifts of the Spirit
You must reach out to me in faith and
exercise them.
The gifts of my Spirit are for the working of
the ministry and the perfecting of the saints.

My children need to be perfected.
Step out in faith and be used in the gifts that
I have given you. My gifts have been placed
within you and I desire that those gifts
operate. I would operate those gifts through
Do not wait and say "someone else can do it",
For I say unto you, I have given you gifts
and I am expecting that you stir up the gift
that is within you And allow my Spirit to
flow through you.

As you step out in faith, I will fill your mouth
and I tell you that my Word will not come
back void.
Reach out my beloved children and extend
Wait upon me and I shall take the words of
your lips and honor them to bless others.
Step out in faith in ways that you have not
before. I will not leave you without words
for I will honor faith.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by my
Word. Your faith will be increased as you
spend time in my Word. Come and drink
from my Word, drink and drink again.
You shall have living water flowing out of
you from the Throne of grace and as ye
drink, give out and drink again. It is not
one drink of my Word that is enough but
you must drink and drink more and as
you give out, come back to Me and you
will hold more than you did before for I
will increase your capacity for me.
I Jesus will increase your capacity for me.

Tough times are coming my children and
now is the time to drink from the well
that never runs dry.
Now is the time when life is so convenient
to come to Me before the battle heats up.

Will you be one of those that come to me
and come running and desire to come
into a higher place, for I would take
you to a higher place.
I would take you on a journey through
my Word into the realm of my Spirit
and as you are taken on this journey
You shall not desire to turn back nor
shall you have Desire anymore for
the mundane or the world.
I shall kill all desires that are not of me
and shall bring you to life.

I will bring you to life and I will live
in you now and forever more.
Come and drink freely of the River
of Life and as ye drink ye shall live,
says the Lord.
For I am that River that flows out from
the Throne of God that River of God
that is flowing and you need to allow
that River to flow out of you. Allow the
river to flow.
Allow me to wash away all that blocks.
Allow me to wash clean all that is not
of me and I shall wash it away.
You will be clean from the inside out.

You shall be washed by the Word of
God that flows from my Throne.
Come up higher unto me.
Each one of you has the capacity to
come higher. Come higher unto me.
I am calling. I am calling and I am saying
to you come hither and come quickly for
I am calling you into my presence.
I am calling you my Bride, into my presence.
I await you.