Why do you allow your soul to be disturbed at what is going
on in this world?
You are in this world my child but not a part of it.
You are seated in heavenly places with Me.
You are in Christ far above all principalities and powers
and need to live there.
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and need to walk as one
that is My temple.
You are My dwelling place and My dwelling place needs to be
filled with power each and every day.
You are the dwelling place of the Spirit of God.
My disciples were filled with my Spirit and look at the power
that flowed from their lives.
Is this power flowing from your life?
If not it is time to seek My face and draw from the well.
It is My Spirit that quickens and gives life.
I will quicken your mortal body.
I will empower you to be all that you should be.
I will give you My power and you shall walk in the authority
and anointing of Jesus Christ if you are willing to pay the
The price is staying on your face before Me.
Not many are willing to do so and that is why you look
at the power and the gifts flowing in others lives and say
why is my walk with you not like this Lord.
Spend time with Me and this will change.
I give my power to those that can be entrusted with it.
The anointing has been bought and paid for but you need
to obey me and spend time with Me to allow that anointing
to arise.
The true anointing is something too few of my children walk
They read about it.
They talk about it.
They want it but they are not willing to take the time with Me
to walk in that high level anointing which is My presence.
I will supply all that you need in this hour to walk with Me in
the power of the Holy Ghost.
Desire my power.
Desire the gifts of the Spirit to be manifested in your life.
Hunger for Me.
Covet to prophecy.
Covet the best gift.
Come to Me my beloved and shake off all that is off the world
and move with Me in this hour.
Take upon yourself my burdens alone.
Man will place upon you many burdens that are not of Me.
Take upon yourself only those things that I have laid on your
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Cast off all that is not of me and run the race set before you.
The enemy seeks to make my children fearful.
Are you fearful?
Are you afraid of Me?
The enemy tries to make My precious children full of fear
a fear that is not of Me.
He wants you to fear the things that are coming to pass on
this earth and he wants you to be paralyzed because of that
He knows his time is short and that fear will bind you up and
make it impossible for you to fulfill your destiny.
Your destiny does not include fear.
He wants you to fear My judgments.
You do not have to fear My judgments.
They are a part of a holy and righteous God.
You are only to fear Me with a Godly fear that makes
you obey Me out of love.
Perfect love for Me will remove all fear of Me.
I am your Father a Father that you can come close to
and draw your strength from.
I am a Father that you can tell your deepest secrets to
and I will keep them.
I am Father to you and want you to come closer little
one and tell me all your hopes and all your fears.
Every detail of your life interests Me.
You are my treasure.
Yes, my treasure.
You are treasured by Me and because of this
I want you to share all with Me.
It will bring you freedom and you will walk in new
freedom as you remove the wall you have placed
around your heart. Let Me take that wall down
that you have placed there. I will take those
walls down and heal the hurts of your past
and I will seal your future in Me.
I will take you and use you as one that will stand
for the Lord and walk with me and as you are
healed I will use you with others
that have needs.
It is out of your needs that have been met by Me
that you can touch the lives of others.
Come unto me you that are fearful and talk to me
about it.
Come unto me all you that are discouraged and I will
relieve you
of that discouragement.
I will teach you how to walk in the power of My Spirit
and take the Word of God and speak it out of your
mouth and as you speak it the enemy will flee.
Use the authority given to you in My Name. My Name
is powerful and is a name above all names in heaven
and in earth. My name is the name that destroys the
works of the enemy and makes him flee.
He will flee as you use My name and command Him to go.
The day is coming says the Lord when My children are
going to arise and do battle.
Prepare for the way of the Lord.
Plan and spend time in My Word. Saturate yourself
with My Word.
Drink from it until you can drink no more.
Give it out and living water will flow from your inner
most being.
Unblock the wells and fill up those that have run dry.
Fill them again and dip into them and give out of the
living water your neighbors are thirsty.
Give out of the living water for in drinking it they will
thirst no more.
Quench the thirst of all that come to you.
Give it out. Give it out. Give it out.
I am saying to you give out what I have given you.
Allow the river of life to flow through you to touch and
heal and deliver and set free those around you.
Do not be surprised?
Expect healing to happen?
Expect the demons to come out in My name?
Expect to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
Expect them to be filled with My Holy Spirit.
Expect. Expect. Expect.
Believe. Believe. Believe.
Give and it shall be given to you pressed down shaken
together and running over.
Give. Give. Give.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
You can love in My name.
Believe you can do these things and all things are possible?
Believe and you shall see My works manifested in your life.
Believe. Believe. Believe.
Children put your trust in Me and believe.
All things are possible to you who will truly believe
in the name of the Son of God.
Believe me Jesus, that you can do these things.
Only believe.