The Word of the Lord for Vancouver, B.C. November 17, 2006
The Lord says, "woe unto you Vancouver, woe unto you".
Your works have come up before me and I have found
them wanting. Your sin has come up before me as a stench
which I can no longer smell. My nostrils are full of the smell,
the putrid smell of your sins. I am calling you to repent of
your sins. Your sins are great and you are a city of sin. I am
calling you to a deep repentance on a large scale. The scales
are tipped and are not in your favour. I have seen the
abuses of my people. I have seen the abuses of the poor.
I have seen the drug trade and the trafficking of drugs
in this great city. I have seen the prostitution and the
poison fed into the minds of the youth of this city and I
have had enough. I see even into the churches, says the
Lord and they are found wanting. I see into each heart
and into each church. Many call themselves by my name,
but they abuse my name. They tred upon my name by
their actions. Many Pastors are not Pastors to their
congregations, but live in sin while in their
congregations. Many are the sins of the so called
righteous. Many are the sins of the ungodly. I am
moving and I am sweeping. I am sweeping and I
will do a clean sweep. I will take Vancouver and
reduce her to need me. Before I am finished, Vancouver
will call out to me. Many shall curse me says the Lord,
but many shall come unto me. There shall be a spirit of
repentance that will come to Vancouver in the days to
come and there shall be repentance on a large scale. I
shall wash away all that is not of me. I will shake, I will
shake, I will shake and wash away all that is not of me.
The stench has come up before my nostrils. I say "no
more, no more". I will take this city and even the
buildings will shake at what I shall do. They shall shake
as a reed in the wilderness but they shall know that I
am the Lord. They shall know that only what is built
on me shall last. I am insulted. I am angry and I will no
longer tolerate the sins of my people for they are great.
They have not come before me in seriousness and
deeply repented for their city but they are a half
hearted church. They are lukewarm. No longer shall
they be lukewarm but there shall be a stirring of my
Spirit that shall turn the lukewarm either cold or hot
but they shall not stay lukewarm. I hate lukewarmness.
I hate sin. I cannot look on sin forI am a holy and
righteous God. I cannot go contrary to my Word.
My Word declares that Icannot tolerate sin. I am
merciful to a point in allowing mankind space to
repent of sin but the day comes when I say "I have
had enough and I expose sin that it may be cleansed".
I am exposing Vancouver. I am washing Vancouver
and the flood in Vancouver will wash the vilest clean.
They have clung on to their wealth and their
superiority but now there will be only me to hold on
to for I will shake what I can shake and all that can
be shaken will be and only what is of me will be left.
I will shake, I will shake. Take heed for I will shake.
There shall be new life that will come out of this
shaking. There shall be a new move of my Spirit.
There shall be revival that shall spread and spring
up and there shall be many that shall call upon my
name. My name will go up from those whose lips
know me and they shall testify of me and my Word
shall go forth throughout Vancouver and quickly, I
will swipe her clean. In a day, I shall swipe her clean
and wash away the rubble, the dirt and the filth of
this city. As I swept the city to the South so I shall
swipe Vancouver clean. The debree shall be washed
away. Life shall come, new life shall flow and it shall
once again begreen in Vancouver and the Word of
life shall again go forth from pulpits in purity and
truth. See if I am the Lord. See if I am the Lord.
I will do what I have said I will do, my wonders
to perform. In one day, I shall move, yea in seven
there shall be nothing standing that is not of me.
Hear me.
Patricia Hamel
submitted for discernment