Allow me to be Lord of every circumstance.
I allow circumstances but I also allow you to
speak into them.
Speak into your circumstances.
Speak life into them.
I am Lord of everything that you allow me to
be Lord of in your life.
I am Lord of all or I am Lord of nothing.
Allow me to be Lord over all that you do and
all that you say.
I Jesus Christ am Lord.
I am allowing things in your life that you
cannot handle for your growth.
Grow through these circumstances.
Rule and reign over them.
Do not get distressed.
Do not be worried but learn to hand over
circumstances to me as soon as they happen.
I am Lord of the mountain tops
and Lord of the valleys.
You do not grow on the mountain tops.
You see where you are and where you
have been in the valleys of your life.
Growth comes in the valleys.
Growth comes when you allow me to be Lord.
Will you turn over all of the situations of your
life to me?
Will you surrender all to me?
I would have my children to surrender all to me.
Give me each and every detail of your life.
Your health, your wealth, your relationships,
your victories and your defeats.
I am Lord and I would be Lord over all.
All that I am not Lord over will crumble,
as will the kingdoms of this earth come to
My Kingdom is a Kingdom that will last forever.
Labor for the Kingdom of God.
Labor for the things of my Kingdom.
The things of my Spirit are what is important.
Your individual circumstances are only part
of the bigger picture and you must learn to
see everything in light of My Kingdom and
See with Kingdom eyes and you will see clearly.
See through your eyes and you will only see
in the natural.
Allow me to open the eyes of your understanding
and see the fruit that is being developed
through your trials and testings.
See what I am developing in you.
I am training up those that will be in my army.
I am raising up an army that shall walk
in precision.
Learn to walk in ranks as soldiers in the army
of the Lord of Hosts.
I am mighty in battle and I will fight for you.
Allow me to fight for you or you will loose.
I am the Lord of battles and I win.
Wage war wisely in your circumstances and win.
Speak my Word into your situation.
As you release my Word in your situation and
into the earth, it will not come back void.
Release my Word.
Send my Word forth and it will not come back
It is all powerful and spoke the world into
You hold that power within you.
Do you not realize that you hold within you
the power that spoke the world into being,
the power of the resurrected Christ.
I am Lord and I hold all power and that
power has been released unto you and as
you walk in obedience to my authority,
you shall have authority.
Know that I am Lord of every circumstance
in the world and in the heavenlies.
Know that I have all under my control
and not one bird falls from the sky without
my seeing it fall.
Not one soul passes from this world
without my seeing and mourning the loss.
I rejoice when one of mine comes home
to be with Me.
I see all, hear all and am all.
I will be all that you need and as days and
months go by you will need to totally
rely on me the Lord of every circumstance
that you allow me to be Lord of.
I Jesus Christ am Lord.