You are often tested to know your reactions.
Will you react in kindness to those around you.
I test you so that you will know your own heart.
Adverse situations will bring out what is in your
heart. I see what is in your heart beloved. You
must know what is within so that you can be
changed into My Image. Change is necessary.
Trials in your life bring about changed beloved.
Shaking is going on and can be used to your
advantage if you are trusting in Me. Reactions
reveal your heart. I desire all of your heart
beloved. Your heart is mine and I fully desire it.
All that you allow to enter your heart should
belong to Me. I desire the hearts of My people.
Hearts that desire Me. Hearts committed to Me.
Yielded hearts. Tender hearts. Forgiving hearts.
Hearts with desire to be like Me. Hearts that
have compassion and caring for all mankind. It
is so easy to care for those that love you. It is
even easier to care for those that walk in
agreement with you.
What happens to My children when they come
into situations that ignite a fire of a different kind?
How do My children react? You are to love those
that disagree with you. You are to love the
unlovely. You are to love your enemies. Love your
enemies. They may be My enemies also but you
are to love them, with a pure heart fervently.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but I
deliver you out of them all. Deliverance from My
hand is dependant upon your reaction to the
situations you encounter. A soft answer turns
away wrath. I give you fresh opportunities daily
to practice My love. My love is unconditional. My
ways are past finding out. Loving is being willing
to die to yourself and your ways for another.
Loving your neighbour as yourself. You are to
love the Lord your God with all your heart and
soul and mind and strength and your neighbour
as yourself. This is entirely possible beloved,
with My help. On your own you shall surely fail.
With God all things are possible.
Practice love. You will find as you make a decision
to love with My help that it will be easier to love
unconditionally. My tender mercies are new every
morning. Fresh grace is given to you beloved for
each new day. You awaken because I have given
you life. Make your life today have divine purpose.
Pray for divine apointments. Pray for opportunities
from My Holy Spirit. Doors will open in My name
as you pray and seek My face. I love to open doors
of opportunity for you to walk in My steps.
I love to see My children walk through those doors
in faith. I give you faith filled words and see those
moments when you reach inside yourself and allow
Me to flow through you.
Divine opportunities. Divine appointments,
ordained by Me on heavenly calendars.
Opportunities for you to sow into the Kingdom of
God. Sow new seed and water seed already sown.
Water with My Word. It is full of showers that
will water people and lead them to Me. Allow Me
to shower you with My divine love so that you
might be a blessing to others. How I would bless
you and make you a blessing depends on your
willingness to flow in the Holy Ghost and move
in faith. Be willing and I will move in your midst.
Even your desert will be changed as you step out
in faith. It is in truly giving of yourself that you
will receive. Give out and expect Me to give you
more as you give.
Trust in Me. I will do impossible things. Unlikely
situations will come your way. Divine apointments.
Divine interventions. Meetings planned before the
foundation of the world. Ministry fulfilled because
you obeyed Me. One door closes and another opens.
Walk through the open door.
Take steps of faith and pray and walk through the
open door. You never know what is waiting for you
beyond the open door. Great expectations will bring
unusual but divine apointments. Start expecting for
these things to happen and you shall reap what you
expect to receive. Believe Me for greatness and you
shall have greatness as you serve in the Kingdom
of your God. Serve Me.