Pray for revelation.
Pray without ceasing. Pray that I show you things
to come.
Pray that I show you things to come.
Do not be content in your level of hearing me.
Go deeper. Go deeper. Dig deeper and you will
hear Me.
I am speaking to those that are listening.
I am speaking to My prophets.
I am speaking to My friends.
Dig and do not stop digging treasure from My
You need to know what is going on in these last
days and be a prepared people.
You are not prepared and the day of the Lord
will come as a thief in the night to many.
Arise and shine and I will give you light.
Do not let your light be darkness but wake up.
Take heed and desire fellowship with the Lord
your God.
Troubles are on all sides.
The world is in tumult.
Countries are at war.
There are famines and earthquakes in divers
You do not know what tomorrow holds.
Call on Me with your whole heart.
Call on Me right now.
Cry out! "Jesus I need you" and become
desperate for more of Me. Let Me be your first
thought in the morning and your last at night.
Come running into My arms for it is the only
place of safety.
Pray the Word.
Believe the Word.
Walk in the Word.
It is an oasis for you in this hour.
Dive into My Word.
Come and come quickly into My Word
and dwell there.