
Monday, January 7, 2008

Count the Cost in Following Jesus

We need to count the cost church. The time is
short and the day is coming whenno man can
work. There is serious stuff. It is not time to
fool around. It is not time to have one foot in
the world and one in the church. It is time to
decide now whom you are going to serve and
then serve Him with all your heart and soul
and mind and strength and your neighbor as

Days are coming upon this earth and they are
coming soon that are going to test your faith like
never before. It is time for you to wake up and
open your eyes to what is going on about you
and not hide your head in the sand.

Wake up time is here. The alarm clock is ringing
and time is ticking by.Are you going to be one of
those that Jesus found asleep on the watch or are
you going to be one of those that is going to stand
up and be counted as a servant of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

We need to quit playing church. The time is her
for the church to grow up and get out
off its diet of milk and on the meat of the word.

Meat, strong meat is for those that are of age.
You are being challenged by the Lord to be all He
desires you to be.You are not called to walk in fear
but to walk with a sound mind.
God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power
and of love and of a sound mind.

A sound mind in this hour is needed as everything
is in turmoil except life build on the Rock. That
Rock is Christ. Are you truly built on the Rock
or have you build your life on otherthings?
Things that do not satisfy.

Wake up you that sleep and the Lord will give you
light. The call is going out and the Lord is looking for
those end time warriors that have counted the cost
and are willing to fight to the end for their faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ.

He paid the price for you. Are you willing to pay
the price for Him? Are you willing to sacrifice your
life if need be and gain a better resurrection.

There indeed is a cost. This is not to make you fear
but to make you fearless warrior who knows his
or her purpose and is willing to go on to perfection.
You are not one that is to flip flop in times of trouble
but to call on the name of the Lord and know that
He is speaking to you.

Do you know that the hour is late? It is late and time
for you to put all your resources into His Kingdom.
This means that Christ is to be number one in your
life and all other things are to follow this.

Beloved the Lord is calling and knocking at the door
of your heart. He is saying to you. It is time. It is time
to get off the fence that you have been sitting on and
come out from among them and be separate and touch
not the unclean thing and He will receive you.

The hour is late. The day of the Lords return is at hand.
Are you ready to meet Jesus? Are you ready to count
the cost and follow Him?

It is His love that is speaking in firmness and not
watering down the Word of God. It is His love that
is saying to you to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself.
Take the sleep out of your eyes and get your self
ready for the Lord is coming back for a bride without
spot or wrinkle.

You have many tests and trials yet to go through
and are going to need to be totally sold out to Him.
One hundred percent for the Lord and nothing
interfering. Root out all that is not of Him and come
to Him now.