
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Breaking You for My Purposes

Breaking You for My Purposes
by Patricia Hamel

Know that I am taking you and breaking you for
my purposes.
I am breaking you that your heart might break
for my purposes.
I am breaking the hearts of my children.
I am allowing your hearts to be broken that fresh
oil might be poured in.

I would pour fresh oil into the desert of your heart
and I would make the desert in your heart an oasis.

Altogether lovely, would I make you into my image,
into the glory of God.

The crushing my children that you are experiencing
is from a loving hand. It is from a Lord that loves
you and desires to take you and change you, that
you might be able to be used of me in a greater way.

Do you desire to be used by me? Then allow me to
break up the fallow ground of your heart.
I would break you as my heart was and is broken
over the sin and sickness that is in this world.

I would break you that you would desire only me.
Desire only me and my purposes, says the Lord.

You have desired my children, much that is of the
world. No longer will you have a desire for those
things as you allow me to work.

No longer will you be in competition one against
the other, but your desire will be to follow me
and run with me.

Put aside differences, put aside building your
I am calling you to build my Kingdom.
I am building my Kingdom.
Put aside your kingdom for I shall tear down
the kingdoms of this world and the kingdoms
of this world shall end.

My Kingdom shall have no end.
The line is being drawn and drawn quickly.
Choose this day whom you will serve.
It is something that you can no longer deviate
on, with one foot in the world and a foot in the
For I am cutting away all that is not of me,
says the Lord.

I am cutting. Allow me to operate and cut off
all that is not of me.
The time is coming and is coming quickly that
you will truly need to be aligned with me and
my purposes, or you will become a prey to the
He is searching for those that he can draw to
himself and it is a false drawing.

Know the drawing of my Spirit.
My children, know Me and know my voice for
the spirit of deception is at work in the world
and also in my church.

My children, my Bride will not be deceived.
When I call, she shall answer.
When I say come, she will drop all and come
to me.

I am calling you to drop those things that
hinder and run with diligence the last mile
of the race.
It is the last mile that is the hardest.
It is the last mile and in that mile you will
need to stop and drink of the living waters
of my Word, often.
Stop and drink often.

I would have you also to drink from the
flow of my Spirit. Drink from the river of life.

My river is flowing, my river is flowing
and I would have you to stop and drink of
that river.
It never runs dry.
Children you need to stop and drink, drink
children drink and you shall be satisfied
and then you shall take that which
you have drunk and share it and give out
the living water.

It shall not stay in your mouth nor in your
hand, but it shall be spread as you allow it to
be poured out.
Pour it out dear children, my Beloved, allow
the outpouring of My Spirit through you.

I would pour my Spirit through you.
Allow my Spirit to flow through you.
Let it flow and begin to well up in you like a
river from your inner most being it shall
begin to flow and as the river truly begins
to flow it shall break forth and they shall
hear the noise of the river.

They shall hear its sound. It shall sound
like no other river because this river is
the river of Life.
It sounds like no other river but it is the fire
of God that would flow through you to others.
Allow my fire to burn.

Did not my disciples say, "did not our hearts
burn within us".
Is your heart burning within you.
Allow me to come forth in your life and let
my heart burn in you for the lost.
I burn for the things of my Father.
Allow me to take away all the dross that
I may flow in you freely.

Freely you have received and freely I
would have you to give.
Let the river of Life flow out of you, for
out of your belly shall flow rivers of living
Let it flow, my children, let it flow.
Many shall come because of the flow of my
Yes, when my river truly flows there shall
be none that shall be able to quench it.
It shall be like a dam that breaks in the
natural and there shall be no stopping the

The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of
Prophecy. Let the Spirit of Prophecy begin
to flow in your lives.
The Spirit of Prophecy the testimony of Jesus,
shall begin to flow as that river and it shall
flow from your inner most being.
Try all things, for the testimony of Jesus,
is the Spirit of Prophecy.