My children you are living in an hour when you need to
be burdened for the souls of men.
I am burdened for the souls of men and women and those
that are of an age to know right from wrong.
I am calling you to pray for the souls of men.
It is time for you to reach out to those around you and
to speak.
Do not keep silent my children but speak to them about
their lost state.
I am not willing that any should perish but all should come to
the truth.
Daily people are going into an eternity without Me
and are lost forever.
It is not something that My children like to hear but my
beloved it is the truth.
I am speaking the truth to you before it is too late.
It is too late for many but there are thousands upon
thousands that do not yet know me even in your own cities.
It is time for you who are called by My name to speak in
My name without fear or compromise.
Speak about Jesus to those that I put you with in the
situations of your daily life.
Beloved many of you are timid and afraid to speak the truth
and tell men that they are lost and will die and go into an
eternity without Me forever and ever.
Many do not know that I am the only way of salvation and that
there is salvation in no other name.
When was the last time you shared your faith with someone?
When was the last time you opened up your mouth and
allowed Me to speak through you?
When was the last time you declared My name without
compromise and fear of man.
Many of you do not share your faith and My love for mankind
should be burning in your heart.
The passion for souls should be burning in your heart.
If I am burning in your heart than you shall have a passion for
Am I burning in your heart?
Did not My disciples wonder at their hearts burning within them
when they were in My presence?
You cannot spend time in My presence without your heart burning
within you.
A eternity without Christ is forever and ever and ever.
There is no end to eternal damnation.
There is no end to eternal life.
How can you go about your daily life and not speak of Me and
tell of Me.
I died for the sins of all mankind.
I died to set men free for all eternity.
I died to set you free and I gave you freedom and victory.
How can you keep silent and not speak of Me.
My Beloved.
Speak of Me.
Tell of Me.
Let the world know that I paid the price for their sin and their
grief and I long to come into their hearts and set them free.
Tell them they do not have to live in their bondages.
Tell them.
It is time My beloved.
The hour is short beloved.
The world as you know it is changing beloved and the hour is
Perilous times are coming and the storm clouds are on the horizon
My beloved.
The time is here and each moment that goes by another soul is lost.
Do you weep and cry for souls?
Do you grieve when you hear that one died without me?
Does it wound your heart?
Beloved it breaks My heart and I would break your heart in
calling out to Me for the souls of men.
Beloved there are those in your families that are not saved.
You pray for them.
Know that I value all souls the same and I am not willing that
any should perish.
Ask Me to give you the burden to pray and I will lay souls on
your heart.
You must desire to intercede and allow me to place the burden
for the lost upon your heart.
The hearts of men are hanging in the balance.
Multitudes in the valley of decision.
Multitudes dying without Me.
Hear Me, My beloved.
My Word can set the captive free.
Take what precious salvation I have given to you
and share it with others.
It is time.
It is time.
Beloved it is time.