My bride, My bride, I am calling you.
Wake up. Wake up. There is work to be done.
I am calling you and it is time to get up from your slumber.
Awaken My precious ones for it is time to hear the call that
is going out across the lands of the earth.
It is a call to My precious bride saying, arise, arise, for I would
give you light.
My bride you are the light that shines in the darkness. You are the
light of the world and it is now time to arise and do your first works.
O My bride, my precious one I would use you in this hour to call upon
Me in intercession. I would have you to pray for the nations of the
My bride, My bride, I would have you to arise and stand together in
the body of Christ. I would have you to come together as one in the
Spirit and as you do so you will put the enemy to flight.
Come together in one accord and bear one another's burdens. Lift up
your voices and be of one accord in speaking the Word of God.
Take My Word and run with it to the far corners of the earth. Take My
Word and share it with the lost.
Beloved of mine, weep with those that weep and mourn with those that
Beloved be all things to all men to win them to Me. Yet do not be a
partaker of their evil deeds.
Share Me with the world and with one another.
Build one another up in the faith.
Encourage one another.
Love one another with a pure heart and love fervently.
The hour is here beloved.
The time of hard labor is here and it is time to begin to travail for Zion
and travail beloved till she comes forth.
It is time. It is time. It is time.
It is time to stand in your wedding dress and be arrayed as one in fine
linen and yet it is time to stand and be a bride that will fight spiritual
battles and win them.
Win the battle. Run hard in the race. Do not stop. Do not look back.
Look forward. Persevere. Stand fast.
Have your loins girt with the truth of My Word.
Arise and shine before this world.
Storm clouds are here.
Look up for your redemption draws near.
Look up and see the storm clouds.
They are darkening daily.
It is beginning to rain beloved and soon the storm will
be here and you must fight and gain strength now and gain ground
in the time before the storm.
You need to be fattened in My Word.
The milk will no longer do but you need strong meat and it is meat
that you will need to fight this battle.
Take time to find the meat in My Word. It is more time consuming
to find meat than milk but it will satisfy the longing of your soul.
Your soul will only be satisfied with Me.
Be one with Me. Long for Me. Your passion needs to be for Me alone.
Wealth is in My Word. Power is in My Word. Weapons for war and the
instructions for use are in My Word.
Delight in My Word. Think on it. Be empowered with My Word.
Treasure My Word for in it are the issues of life.
My Word is a treasure chest that needs to be opened for in it you shall
find all the resources you need to fight.
Count the cost as you dig for the treasures of My Word for there is a
cost to finding the truth of My Word. My Word is Truth. Count the cost.
I paid the price for you that you might have eternal life and that life is in
My Son. Count the cost that you are willing to pay.
Know the time and season that you are in.
Open your eyes and see with your heart.
Those that are willing to open their eyes and see with their hearts the truth
of My Word, I shall keep in the hour of temptation that is coming on this
I will keep you as your eyes are staid on Me.
Keep your eye on Me and live in heavenly places.
You are seated there far above principalities and powers and
you must rule and reign from this position and yet be a servant to all.
Live to serve. Serve and live.
Let My light shine forth in your heart and it shall shine brighter and brighter
as the day approaches.
The time is approaching beloved and it is time to give out all that you have
to those in need.
Give My Word to those that need salvation. Give My Word by sowing the
seed of the Word of God in their hearts.
I have anointed you to pray for the sick that they will be healed.
I will use you to deliver those that are under the bondages of the enemy.
I will set them free.
Get ready to be used by Me to touch the world for the time is set for My
bride to come forth and show herself.
Prepare yourself and be ready beloved.
Put on your wedding garment and array yourself and make yourself pure
and lovely for I am coming soon.
Be ready for I am coming soon.